Day 136 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - You Have Moved Quickly
/Photo by Brannon Naito on Unsplash
Lesson 136: You Have Moved Quickly...
Today is about acknowledging the work that has been done to move into the passage of compassion. It has been a good life shift and has moved along swiftly. It’s all about raising the vibration to a higher level and recognising that low vibrations can be turned around or eradicated altogether.
We can be the leaders of compassion. We can set an example that helps others. If we are all interconnected, then we need to spread this notion. We all have the power to do this. We all have the power to heal each other.
I’m not saying that compassion comes easily. It takes take some mindfulness to really change your thinking towards someone. There are days when I really struggle with this and days where it’s easy. Like the passage of pain, you may not fully completely overcome that passage, just like you may not have fully conquered compassion. I think making a start to recognise there are things that need to happen within your inner world, is a good step towards an overall good direction for yourself.