Day 146 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - In The Last Few Years...
/Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash
Lesson 146: In The Last Few Years...
You may have noticed a declutter happening in your life or that of the world. People are starting to recognise they live with excess and this throws energy out of whack, or you become stuck because of how the clutter lingers in your life. Today we are to recognise what we have been asked to release relationships, objects, ideas and thoughts.
I have been doing a clearing course to clear physical and mental clutter. I have been doing it from the start of the year in line with this course I’m doing. I find that I have so much mental clutter, and I have learned and grown as a person to understand the situations I’ve gone through. I’ve learned the lesson, grown from it and then released any stuck feelings towards them back to the Universe. I find as the more you open to allowing some healing to occur, your life starts to unfold in a positive way and things start to fall into place. I still work on correcting my negative thoughts that pop up from time to time and have learned to love myself.
I think the one thing that can hold you back is your mind, so I became very self-aware on that I needed to work on. Apart from this, I continually to clear physical excess because I am trying to live a minimal life, using up my existing clothes or products until they need to be thrown. I want less of an environmental impact on the world, so I am more aware of this than ever. Part of why I’m vegetarian is also because I want to minimise my contribution on the environment.
I think I recognise some relationships needed to be released because they are toxic. I think everyone should surround themselves with people who bring out the best in them. You don’t want to be around those that don’t care for your best interests. I think as I grow, I’ve come to meet more spiritual people in whom I feel comfortable sharing my life with. I am growing spiritually and therefore have been seeking out those like me in order to learn and grow.
All in all, I’m striving to be the best version of myself and keep at it every day.
What have you released in your life that you felt you needed to?