Day 164 - A Year to Clear - Low-Frequency Veils
/Photo by Lukas Bornhauser on Unsplash
Lesson 164: Low-Frequency Veils
The way people act towards you can sometimes be a projection of their “low-frequency veil” of pain and feeling stuck. We all hold onto things whether we care to admit it or not. We also do not know what story another person holds and this is where practising compassion can go a long way. But practising compassion can be easier said than done when our instant reaction to someone’s frustrations and pain is anger, getting upset or even frustration ourselves. It does take some practise. Today’s lesson is about recognising one thing that you’ve been holding onto and asking yourself “What would it take to let it go?”.
For me, I don’t hold onto any pain any longer and that’s freeing for me. I am trying to move forward to live the best version of me. What I do hold onto is my own self-doubt. That I might fail in the path that I choose and I won’t succeed in it. I also self-doubt my own skills. I have a bit of a perfectionist complex with getting things right as well, so that actually doesn’t help as I’m learning and growing in my skills. I am self-critical and don’t see any reason to fail, though just like everyone else, I make mistakes too. I think I just need more belief in myself and don’t be too hard on myself at the same time. I will succeed with hard work and determination. I just need to keep reminding myself of this. I think this is what it takes to let it go. Keep telling myself in the mirror that I’ve got this and I just got to keep learning and growing.
What did you find today that you want to let go of?