Day 171 - A Year to Clear - It's Not Yours
/Photo by Soroush Karimi on Unsplash
Lesson 171: It's Not Yours
Have you ever started your day feeling really great and then went out into a public space like the shops or work and felt actually depleted? If you believe that we all have energy and that energy flows throughout the Earth, do you think that it’s possible for other people’s negative energy could attach itself to you? Have you noticed this at all? I know I have.
But there is one thing you can do to ensure that you don’t have attachments of stuck energy to yourself – be more mindful and recognising what isn’t yours. One thing my medium teacher taught me was to repeat something to move out anything that doesn’t feel like it’s yours – “If this is not mine, leave now!”. Keep repeating that until the feeling wears off. This identifies any sort of emotion or feeling to be yours and if it goes away, then it was someone else’s energy that got swirled up in yours. Try that out whenever you feel off and see how you feel after!