Day 194 - A Year to Clear - Glad You Did
/Photo by Jamie Davies on Unsplash
Lesson 194: Glad You Did
“What would you be glad that you did, EVEN if you failed?”
We are to consider this statement today. There are many things I want to achieve in my lifetime. I even have a list of things I want to do in 2018. What I really want to do is learn piano and learn a language. I have started and failed to keep a routine that allows the learning to flow. I don’t know why I can’t maintain it. I think it’s one of those things that I need to do every day at the same time to establish a routine. I think I will get there and even if I’m not good at playing piano or speaking another language, I can say that I tried. Other things I want to try include ballet, hula dancing, reading 20 books by the end of the year, master a form of handwriting, find a charity to volunteer at, travel to a new country and write more poetry and a book. Not sure that I will have the opportunity to achieve all of these things this year, but I will try to make a start.
I am actually sitting here trying to think of something in the past where I tried and may have failed. I actually had a book challenge where I wanted to read 50 books in a year. I started out really well and go to 24 and then just stopped reading. I mean, I hadn’t really read books for years so to achieve 24 was really a good attempt. I set a goal of 20 this year but haven’t really picked up books that weren’t related to witchcraft and my learning. I am reading quite a few books but haven’t actually finished any. It’s definitely something to work on.
What is something you can think of that you want to try or do, even if you might fail at it?