Day 198 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Ability to Hold Your Own Thoughts...
/Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash
Lesson 198: The Ability to Hold Your Own Thoughts...
Do you have the ability to hold your own thoughts in amongst group thought? Can you maintain your high vibration even when group thought can lower it? Today is about going into a situation that you know holds low vibration and your job is to hold the highest vibration. Keep holding it for as long as you can.
I personally failed at this task today. I am really frustrated at work and I just could not rise above my anger and frustration. There is a bit of low morale and loss of direction. I genuinely find it hard to hold a higher vibration in this low space. I did however express concerns to a team mate who fully understood what I was feeling. I let out that I am finding it hard to really know my purpose when a lot of my work is duplication of other people’s work. I did feel better releasing this though. Just admitting that I’m not always strong was a relief. Finding the light in the situation is not easy. I am finding it difficult to really hold value in the workplace. I do my work but I don’t feel like I make an impact and I believe that’s what I’m struggling with.
What I will try and do from tomorrow is hold a higher vibration. I might not be able to hold it for long but I have to try. Even though it might be quite low at work, I should attempt to let it go in order to not let it eat at me. I will work on it.