Day 198 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Ability to Hold Your Own Thoughts...

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

Lesson 198: The Ability to Hold Your Own Thoughts...

Do you have the ability to hold your own thoughts in amongst group thought? Can you maintain your high vibration even when group thought can lower it? Today is about going into a situation that you know holds low vibration and your job is to hold the highest vibration. Keep holding it for as long as you can.

I personally failed at this task today. I am really frustrated at work and I just could not rise above my anger and frustration. There is a bit of low morale and loss of direction. I genuinely find it hard to hold a higher vibration in this low space. I did however express concerns to a team mate who fully understood what I was feeling. I let out that I am finding it hard to really know my purpose when a lot of my work is duplication of other people’s work. I did feel better releasing this though. Just admitting that I’m not always strong was a relief. Finding the light in the situation is not easy. I am finding it difficult to really hold value in the workplace. I do my work but I don’t feel like I make an impact and I believe that’s what I’m struggling with.

What I will try and do from tomorrow is hold a higher vibration. I might not be able to hold it for long but I have to try. Even though it might be quite low at work, I should attempt to let it go in order to not let it eat at me. I will work on it.

Day 197 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - If You Do Not Feel...

Photo by Yuliya Ginzburg on Unsplash

Lesson 197: If You Do Not Feel...

Today is about searching your mind. It’s okay to detach yourself from group thought as it might not be the right vibration for you. Everyone has a path, a journey, a learning, an experience and as you explore these parts of yourself, you may just find that the group collective thought is not your truth. Today is very much about recognising what it can be like to disconnect from group thought and what you are left with as a result from that disconnection. If you aren’t one to remove yourself from group thought, are you afraid to do so?

I think I have broken away from group thought mostly after a life changing volunteer trip in Thailand. Sometimes I am alone in thought, whilst others times when I have real conversations about life with strangers, I learn that sometimes my views are shared. I think it’s a self-evolution when you are aware that you break away from group thought. I don’t think we are to conform to a certain way and I think it’s fine if people do, but it’s exciting to know your own mind whilst also challenging it. I think as we gain wisdom and knowledge of the world, very much through experience, we alter our deep rooted group thoughts. I think it’s about being open to all walks of life that allows us to question group thought. I think it’s a gift to be able to have someone come up with a challenging perspective to your own, and you are willing to understand that viewpoint, not necessarily to agree, but allow it to be a consideration in your own opinions. I truly believe we can be the limit in our lives if we let it. We are the product of our environment so why limit ourselves if there is option to be open?

Day 193 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Ability to Know Your Own Mind..

Photo by Kyle Wong on Unsplash

Photo by Kyle Wong on Unsplash

Lesson 193: The Ability to Know Your Own Mind..

The ability to know your own mind is the true sign of consciousness. In consciousness, in awakening you see that all thoughts scatter about a circle: the more extreme on each side of the circle, the more true in the middle. In consciousness, you are able to stay in the middle.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to write down five things that we believe to be absolutely true. From there, we are to detach ourselves and look at those beliefs from that different point of view and to see if they are still true. If they aren’t, why do you think they aren’t true and reflect on it.

Five things that I believe to be absolutely true:

·         The colour red is red

·         My mother is my mum

·         I am placed on this Earth for a reason

·         There are both good and bad people in the world

·         The way I perceive myself is never going to be the same as someone else who perceives me


Now if I look at these beliefs with detachment, it can take quite a philosophical approach.

The colour red is taught in childhood and we all are meant to see it in the same way through sight and in our minds through some brain perception. What if the way I see red is not how you see red. What if it had a different tinge the way I see it to the way you see it? I see it as a warm, vibrant colour but what if you saw it as a dull colour? I am confident that science can systematically have a logical answer for this, and how we view things such as colour all the same, but there is always that what if question. What if it's not the same?

My mother is my biological parent and I spawned from an egg in her body that also resided in my grandmother’s body – it is said because my mother grew as a female, she would have had her eggs inside her body whilst in my grandmother’s womb. Can’t remember the term for it but there is a whole science behind it. But if I was an egg in side my mum who was inside her mum, could it be possible that my grandmother is actually my mother? Who is not to say one of her spare eggs was me and I just developed in my mother’s body? If reincarnation is a thing, what if my mother was my sister in another life and we’re just living over a hundred lifetimes in different types of relationships? No one really knows right?

If I believe I was placed on Earth for a reason and I think I know my purpose, but what if I am completely wrong about it and I don’t actually know? Maybe I have some other mission I haven’t thought of. Maybe I’m a being from another dimension with a secret mission… who knows? Maybe I’m not placed here for a reason but I’m part of some higher power experiment and I’m being tested somehow. We could even be in the matrix. Haha!

There are good and bad people in the world. I think we all have good and bad in us, but good and bad is defined by some societal standard that classes us into an unseen system, which dictates how we act. What I perceive as good and bad might be completely different to you because you have another set of standards. Maybe when humans first came into being, there was no good or bad and everyone was the same. Maybe some people decided one day that they didn’t want to be the same as everyone else, so they broke some protocol and they weren’t so normal anymore. It’s possible it could have started some black sheep mentality because they didn’t fit in anymore, and that’s how we get different personality types and some measure of what’s normal. Maybe that’s how “bad” people came to be. Maybe we all start bad and try to cover our tracks by doing “good” things to try and achieve some goal. Gosh, this lesson can really go on forever when you take some philosophical approach.

And finally, the way I perceive myself will never be the same as how someone else perceives me. I mean that’s pretty profound in itself, but it’s true. The way I perceive is never going to fit in an exact mould to another person. It’s probably the one truth that is real. I just don’t think it’s plausible for two people to have the exact same perception as each other. It’s not like we are carbon copies of each other… or are we? I’d like to think that this is the one truth that no one could talk me out of. I think it’s possible for people to look at me and share the same like of a feature of me, but then there will be a feature they dislike which might not be the same. The way one person loves me won’t be for the same reason someone else does, just like the way I love myself. If we weren’t free thinkers, then we would all think the same and perceive the same.. but we’re not and therefore it’s a truth that can’t be beaten.

How did you test yourself with your truths? I had so much fun with this lesson by the way! I'm not sure if that was the route I was supposed to take but that's the way I went!