Day 212 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Scarcity is a Part of Human Instinct...
/Photo by Yanapi Senaud on Unsplash
Lesson 212: Scarcity is a Part of Human Instinct...
“Scarcity is a part of human instinct; it goes back to the beginning of your species, when there was not always enough. The fear of being without enough drove you find ways to have enough.”
Today I am to think about what is enough? Do I enough money? Do I have enough things that bring me happiness? Do I have enough food? The possibilities are endless but it’s also a question of “where does it end?”. What do you consider to be “enough”?
I was a very materialistic person. I will happily admit that to anyone. I needed to have all the different types of make-up. I had to wear the cutest outfits and be on trend. I had to have items just because someone else had them, so therefore so did I. I was always spending on just things that gave me temporary happiness but didn’t really feed my soul. I only try to spend money on things that advance my spirituality now or necessary items for the home. I’m trying to be more minimalist but that’s a working progress.
For me, it’s important to have enough money to pay my mortgage, bills, food whilst still have entertainment and money for my spirituality courses. I mean, I could strip some things back but because I want to live through experience, it costs money. That’s the reality of the world we live in. If we weren’t controlled by money, I think I would just roam freely and want to learn from others through some knowledge exchange. I’m trying to do away with material objects and live for experiences that nourish my soul. I place boundaries on myself to do away with material things if I can. I do not buy something material unless it’s an essential item that’s got a long lasting benefit rather than just a quick fix of happiness.
I think I have more than enough in my life and I am very fortunate. I have a job that allows me to live a comfortable life and it wasn’t always like this for me. I know what it’s like to grow up in a family where there wasn’t enough food sometimes. I know what it’s like to not earn enough and you only have enough to live from week to week. I am grateful for the life I get to lead that some people don’t. I think having this awareness and being appreciative of what’s in your life is important too.
What is “enough” for you?