Day 212 - A Year to Clear - Praises Lighten

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Lesson 212: Praises Lighten

What happens when we praise someone or give them a barrage of compliments? It makes us feel good and allows us to lighten up a bit. The question posed today is why is it hard to give out praise and sometimes why is it hard for us to absorb it in and believe it?

I am in agreement that I find it hard to accept praise. I feel a bit shy when people praise me. Not saying that I don’t deserve a compliment, it’s just that I’m not used to it, that it becomes an odd gesture. I kind of feel like I don’t need to be on display when people pass me a compliment. I need to learn to say thank you and accept I think.

I like giving out compliments to others because it’ll help people have a bit more confidence and stay positive. I think I give out praise when I think it’s deserved. I wouldn’t sing out praises just for the sake of it. I recognise good work when I see it. I recognise people’s talents and dish out praise when I can see their skills. I guess people feed on the validation. We all kind of want to know what we are doing is right or we’re going in the right direction, so having feedback and compliments allows us to get that boost.

I see now why this week’s theme is called validating with this lesson in particular. I feel like we might be going through the methods in which we feel we need to get validated.

Day 212 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Scarcity is a Part of Human Instinct...

Photo by Yanapi Senaud on Unsplash

Photo by Yanapi Senaud on Unsplash

Lesson 212: Scarcity is a Part of Human Instinct...

Scarcity is a part of human instinct; it goes back to the beginning of your species, when there was not always enough. The fear of being without enough drove you find ways to have enough.
— Sara Wiseman

Today I am to think about what is enough? Do I enough money? Do I have enough things that bring me happiness? Do I have enough food? The possibilities are endless but it’s also a question of “where does it end?”. What do you consider to be “enough”?

I was a very materialistic person. I will happily admit that to anyone. I needed to have all the different types of make-up. I had to wear the cutest outfits and be on trend. I had to have items just because someone else had them, so therefore so did I. I was always spending on just things that gave me temporary happiness but didn’t really feed my soul. I only try to spend money on things that advance my spirituality now or necessary items for the home. I’m trying to be more minimalist but that’s a working progress.

For me, it’s important to have enough money to pay my mortgage, bills, food whilst still have entertainment and money for my spirituality courses. I mean, I could strip some things back but because I want to live through experience, it costs money. That’s the reality of the world we live in. If we weren’t controlled by money, I think I would just roam freely and want to learn from others through some knowledge exchange. I’m trying to do away with material objects and live for experiences that nourish my soul. I place boundaries on myself to do away with material things if I can. I do not buy something material unless it’s an essential item that’s got a long lasting benefit rather than just a quick fix of happiness.

I think I have more than enough in my life and I am very fortunate. I have a job that allows me to live a comfortable life and it wasn’t always like this for me. I know what it’s like to grow up in a family where there wasn’t enough food sometimes. I know what it’s like to not earn enough and you only have enough to live from week to week. I am grateful for the life I get to lead that some people don’t. I think having this awareness and being appreciative of what’s in your life is important too.

What is “enough” for you?