Day 23 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Pets & Healing
/Photo by Fabian Burghardt on Unsplash
Lesson 23: Our pets have come to heal us...
Today’s lesson delves deeper with our connection with our pets. The question posed is if I can hear them communicating with me. Why are they here and what are they here to help us with?
I feel like my cats Picasso and Miu Miu are here to remind me that I’m not alone. That even during the hardest of times, they are always there. They heal me just by being there. They remind me that I have the ability to love and have that love returned. Though I may not feel it all the time, it’s always there. They are nurturing when I need a moment to try and feel good. All of this done through no communication at all.
Sometimes I wish I could communicate with them directly through conversation because then I could really know how they are feeling. Like if they are sick, how can I really tell? I’d love to have that ability to communicate. I can’t say that I sense them when I’m not around them – maybe that’s a deeper connection I need to develop. They’ve seen me at my worst and I feel like they just know when I need comfort. I can call on Picasso to chill with me whenever though Miu Miu can be a bit aloof.
When I think of my old dog Misty, I remember she would get excited like a puppy. I used to think “oh I hope she doesn’t get too excited and keel over”. It was just this vibrant energy that would make me smile but something I lacked. She was the biggest dork but had love for everyone. Such a friendly being and a reminder that you can give unconditional love and not expect it in return. It’s that outward love that can make all the difference in your life. Send it out and see what it returned.