Day 24 - A Year to Clear - Signs of Stuck Energy
/Lesson 24: Signs of Stuck Energy
Today’s lesson revolves around understanding that any feelings of discomfort whilst clearing, is stuck energy being released.
I know clearing for me has always been a good feeling. I genuinely feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders every time I have tried to declutter my storage area. Never really thought about my discomfort as being stuck energy, but it makes sense. It’s a task that I have attempted many times and put off because it’s daunting. Then when I take the time to get rid of things that I haven’t used, I slowly feel better because I’m reducing my mess. There is still a little more work to do before I am satisfied. I feel like I am half way there and once I get my home really set up the way I want to, then I will feel at ease. Need more release to open more space. I also don’t want to overwhelm myself so will continue with this slow drip method until the physical excess is all cleared. Look forward to that day.