Day 247 - A Year to Clear - The Best Beauty Treatment
/Photo by Wisnu Widjojo on Unsplash
Lesson 247: The Best Beauty Treatment
Today is a lesson on vibration. The secret to looking younger according to Stephanie Bennett Vogt is vibration. Although you may think it’s a good diet, good lifestyle, good community - which may very well add to it, it ultimately is vibration. If you’re on a high vibration and sending out happiness, then this contributes to feeling younger. We are to think about how we can create more of this in order to look and feel young.
I understand the lesson that if you practise and vibrate happiness that you may start to notice the differences in your life, including feeling younger. What I want to point out is that it comes with people’s circumstances. Sometimes we can be challenged, or stressed, just based on a certain situation that we face. Stress, I’ve read can cause aging. So, you might just have a lot on your plate and it’s not really your fault, it’s just the circumstance at the time. So if you are caught up in stressful situations, how does one always vibrate at a higher level? Sometimes you just can’t. That’s not being pessimistic, it’s more being realistic.
Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of always vibrating at a higher level to reverse effects of aging and feel and look younger, though circumstances can override that and you inadvertently age as a result. It’s not to say a light at the end of the tunnel won’t come and you can’t start to vibrate at a high level, but does this natural cycle of ups and downs prevent you from really feeling younger?
Maybe I’ve missed the point of the lesson, but it was just something I was thinking about. I guess my take away from this lesson is that when you have the opportunity to vibrate at a high level, do it. There wouldn’t be anything in your way to spread out that happiness when you have nothing in the way of it. I know you feel good from happiness which I guess would allow you to vibrate that through your body. I guess the question is, how does one maintain it as often as they can?