Day 271 - A Year to Clear - Wonder Questions
/Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash
Lesson 271: Wonder Questions
Have you ever thought to ask the Universe (or any deity you believe in) a question to get an answer? Have you ever asked to have it revealed to you over the next few days or the next week? If not, why not? When you start to pose your questions out to the Universe, then you start to see synchronicity come into your life or signs start to appear. This is the Universe leading you to the answer.
I sometimes ask the Universe for answers and it does deliver. I get delivered my answers in various ways – sometimes I get them in dreams, through meditation, through guides, through mentors, through my tarot cards, sacred angel numbers, through other people or just by random thought. Sometimes I don’t have an answer so I put it out there instead. I find that I can get any answer if I just put the question out there. Some people may say it’s coincidence, but since I don’t believe in that, I think there is some higher force helping me along the way. I think it gives me assurance that something bigger out there helps me along the way. What do you believe in? Do you put your questions out there when you can’t come to an answer yourself?