Day 271 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - You Can Go So Far Out...
/Photo by Peter Miranda on Unsplash
Lesson 271: You Can Go So Far Out...
….on our spiritual paths that we forget that we are physical human beings. We still need sleep and food. We bleed, we have emotions and feelings. Today is a focus on getting out of the spiritual practise for a moment and just remember the human being part of ourselves. We are to understand it fully today.
My Friday was spent at work and then with a friend and home painting. I didn’t spend any time on my spirituality and just did an activity that brought me joy. We ate nice food, talked, listened to music whilst painting. I understand that I need to work to support myself. I understand that not everything can be solved through spiritual means. I understand that I still feel emotions even when I do not want to. I know that sometimes I need distractions in order to relax. I know that this is all what being a human is.
We don’t need to practise our spirituality every day. Some days, we just need to be practical and logical. Sometimes you just need to cry and watch TV until you fall asleep. Sometimes you just need someone to make you laugh to forget your worries. Sometimes all you want to do is relax with music and no one else around. Sometimes going for a walk is the best medicine. I definitely think that spirituality can be a guide, though you still are a being in the physical sense that needs nourishment in other ways. If spirituality could sustain our physical body, then I would go all in. I find that spirituality is a tool to assist in our lives.