Day 303 - A Year to Clear - Would You Do It?
/Photo by Matic Kozinc on Unsplash
Lesson 303: Would You Do It?
Today we are to think about whether or not we can let go completely. We are told that it is that easy if we just allowed it to happen…
I think this definitely serves as a reminder as I have been holding onto something I really need to let go. Even a friend was reminding me that I shouldn’t hold onto negativity, or spread it, and that through every situation there are mistakes we would have made, that we need to learn from. I guess I needed to message her in order to get some further advice. I do need to let go of this particular situation that I still have residual anger about. I was advised to write a letter to them saying all the things I wish I got to say.. and maybe even more, but not with the intention to send the letter. The whole point of the exercise is to get everything out and then burn the letter in order to let it go.
I definitely think everyone can let anything go… in time. I am not saying you are going to move through or get over things that have been in your life for years. I would know! I held onto some father issues for a very long time. Now, I just don’t let that hold me back any longer. I held onto that for over 10 years. I think everything you work through is at your own pace and in your own time. I feel that no one can tell you how to work through your pain, issues, habits, behaviour… When you are ready, that’s when you will know to go through your thoughts one by one.
What do you think? Do you think you may go to the grave not letting go everything? Do you think some people just don’t work through everything in their lives, even when they are open to it?