Day 306 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - What Should You Manifest?
/Photo by rashid khreiss on Unsplash
Lesson 306: What Should You Manifest?
The big question – what should you manifest? Does it really matter if you do nothing? Does it really matter if you try to manifest everything? In today’s lesson, we are being told that it’s all the same – whether you leave it up to the universe or you try and make it happen, it will come up in your path in it’s own time as part of your soul growth. We are to stop worrying if we are doing it right or wrong and to just let that notion go. We are asked to hold our heart of connection and remember as well as understand, that we are one of “One”. That’s all we need to remember today.
I mean when I am setting an intention with wanting to manifest something, I haven’t really asked for major things. I always want to have enough to eat and have a roof over my head. Basic things we need to live. I always want to have a job and be safe – just like anyone else really. I have asked for specific things and they have come in a timely manner, other times I don’t see results but then I think it’s all in Divine timing. I don’t actually worry if I’m manifesting things right or not. In fact, I just leave it up to the Divine. I know some things cannot be forced, so I don’t try so hard.
I understand that we are one of connection and that connection being “One”. If only everyone could understand this, then it would raise our vibration to a higher level. That would be so profound if that could occur. I can dream… but I can also do my part in trying to raise this vibration.