Day 59 - A Year to Clear - Space Clearing in a Nutshell
/Photo by Kristine Weilert on Unsplash
Lesson 59: Space Clearing in a Nutshell
“Directing our attention and allowing the feelings to arise without doing anything to fix, manage or resist them, automatically changes the energy in the space.
This is space clearing in a nutshell.”
I definitely feel like I’ve gone through a lesson quite similar to this one. It’s about drawing awareness to the feelings that arise when you’re trying to clear and allowing them to just flow. No matter how uncomfortable you may feel, it’s about embracing what comes and then release the thought or item, if needed. I believe I usually get a bit uppity when I have a large task to tackle, but lately with releasing thoughts, I embrace the truths that I need to, and then let go. It’s been healing for me, and I believe that’s because I am changing as a person, so a lot of thoughts and memories that I release, are those that don’t hold a positive purpose. I definitely feel “my space” changing as I am slowly transforming into a better version of myself. Even though what I'm facing can be confronting, I know it's something I have to face before it's release and I'm totally okay with it. I don't even care that I get uncomfortable anymore. I know the benefits I will gain by facing what I need to and letting go. When these lessons talk about feeling lighter, I know I definitely feel some weights lifted. It's kind of a refreshing feeling and I can only imagine the day when everything that needs to go, will go.