Day 77 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 11 - Sensing Energies
/Photo by Hugo Kemmel on Unsplash
Lesson 77: Check In WEEK 11 - Sensing Energies
Today is a weekly check in of the past week. It was really much a state of seeing how energy flowed and it’s impact. I sat with an object and was fairly neutral towards it. I don’t feel good or bad about it but I am finding that’s how I am towards most objects. I usually have a good attached memory and it’s more about whether I want to part with it or not. I tend to find a lot of objects tend to fill up space when I can just open that space up. I don’t usually have this impulse that others may have to get rid of something. If anything, this course is really cementing the idea of slowing down and really taking on compassion towards yourself and your items and thoughts. I think my space is pretty good and don’t feel negative towards it in any way. I think if you do feel some off feeling, it’s really about digging deep to find out why that is. No judgement, just find the root cause and have compassion towards yourself.