Day 99 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Even a Small Bit of Energy...
/Photo by Agê Barros on Unsplash
Lesson 99: Even a Small Bit of Energy...
Today we are to practise compassion for just a mere 5 minutes as every small amount will change our energy. We are to “dial it up” to where ever we think it’s required and to whom ever we think needs it. No judgement, just apply it. See if the energy shifts and you along with it. Negativity leaves whilst positive energy comes to fill your heart.
I decided to take on this exercise for my old manager at work. As part of a recent restructure, he doesn’t have a new role to go into and his job search is currently taking a toll. Even though I may not have agreed with every decision he made, I hold compassion because it must be tough to be in his current situation trying to look for a job and support a family. I sincerely hope he gets some financial security soon because I can only imagine how tough it is.
It’s definitely a pure space to be in when you fill your heart with compassion. It’s a new feeling for me and to stop and concentrate is something I encourage. Sometimes we get so caught up in our lives that we sometimes need to be more than just ourselves. Having compassion allows us to see a bigger picture of ourselves and others. I think if I adopt just 5 minutes a day towards anyone I see on the street or for the people in my life, it’ll make a difference in achieving pure love in my heart. I mean, this is how I want to live, though now I feel I have a useful tool to achieve this, which I was never taught before. I see this as a wider opening to my true self.