Day 308 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - You Can Manifest a Mansion...
/Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash
Lesson 308: You Can Manifest a Mansion...
“You can manifest a mansion with your intention; you can manifest financial ruin. Again, what you manifest is not as important as why. The Universe always chooses your highest possibility: in other words, you get what you need, for soul growth.”
Today we are to look at what we want and to make a list. From there, look at it with the perspective of soul growth and see if your list changes because of it.
I’m not really convinced you can manifest a mansion with intention – from the example above. I am not sure it’s that simple, even if you had the intention of just wanting a good roof over your head for yourself and your family. I understand having a good reason why, would allow the intent to follow through, but I just don’t see how every thing you want with good intention comes to fruition. Is it time that allows these things to manifest? I don’t know. Like right now for example, I want to manifest a brighter apartment with a balcony. It’s so clear in my mind of what I want. The reason I want it is so that I can more sunlight for myself and my cats. I feel like it would be more positive with all the sun shining through and I also don’t want to live in the current apartment I am in because of all the sounds I can hear through the walls. I think my cats would be less depressed if they have sun and a balcony to hang out on. Current set back is that I was made redundant so if I don’t find a job straight away, then it hinders my saving plan to have a bit of bank balance moving in between 2 apartments. Is it just a waiting game? And how long does one wait for things to manifest? Could it be years? I don’t really want to wait years for this particular manifestation because I’m not fully happy where I live now. I am grateful that I have a roof over my head, though there are problems presenting themselves in the building itself, which adds to me not wanting to live in this particular building.
Anyway……. My list:
· I want a new apartment as mentioned
· I want a job with stability
· I want a life partner
· I want a successful business so that I don’t have to work full time
· I want the motivation to write the books in my head
· I want more creativity in my life
· I want a space to rent to create the art that I’m exploring
· I want to make an impact on peoples live through my spiritual work
· I want the concentration and focus to learn all I need to in this spiritual path
In terms of soul growth, I find that everything contributes to that besides the new apartment. Although, if I am in a space that is more comfortable for me, that will have impact on the other things in my life. I feel that everything impacts on each other just as a flow on effect. Just as a FYI, I wasn’t creative in my life previously. I feel like everything is coming out in my life now. A lot of what I want to do in life is a mixture of creativity and spirituality. It’s all in the process of becoming. I am just working on these things to happen. I feel like with my intention and hard work, these things will come.