Day 210 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Health of the Body...

Photo by Farsai C. on Unsplash

Photo by Farsai C. on Unsplash

Lesson 210: The Health of the Body...

… may reflect someone’s emotional health, though it might not at the same time. Today we are to think about how the Universe has communicated to us in our bodies.

I think the Universe communicates to me in my body all the time. When I’m running on fumes, my exhaustion is delivered to me in different ways as a warning to slow down. I usually have nausea arise or my tiredness is on another level. I can’t exactly describe my tiredness – it’s like my eyeballs hurt. That’s the closest thing that I can describe when my body is of need of some rest.

Right now, I have all these aches and pains in my body. Things I have not paid attention to and now the pain has become prominent that I need to address it. So, I go to the osteo now. I think I will fix myself over time.

Other ways I think the Universe has communicated to me through my body, is through meditation and establishing a link to spirit. As I go on my spiritual path, I’ve really opened my mind to psychic enhancement. I never knew I could do this for myself, and I’m feeling positive with the path I’m taking. When I was awakened, it allowed me to channel messages that I can use in my every day life. What I learn by channelling, allows me to grow and then hopefully one day teach others.

Apart from this, I cannot think of anything else. How has the Universe communicated to you through your body?

Day 209 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - You May See People...

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Lesson 209: You May See People...

…. Who are uncomfortable in their bodies and those that aren’t. The body is just a container and does not reflect the being inside. Whether someone is fit or someone is plagued with disease, we don’t really know what’s going on internally. Today we are to consider what it means to have a beautiful body and what is considered not attractive.

I don’t really know what is attractive and unattractive these days. When I was growing up there was all this pressure to be skinny. As the years passed, the hourglass body figure became the latest craze, then it was ladies with large bums and then curvaceous women. If I followed suit to every body trend that came about, I would be all over the place. I feel like this leads to confidence and self-esteem issues, body dysmorphia and eating disorders.

I think what’s beautiful is when people are comfortable in themselves because they practise self-love and are confident – no matter what the body type. I just don’t think people should fit to any standard. The only body types I worry about are those that are obese because of the serious health ramifications that it can have. I’m all for body confidence but if there is a serious health risk, then I would want that person to consider their options that would allow them to be healthy again.

Sometimes I look at myself and wonder if I’m truly attractive. There are always those slight moments of self-doubt but I’m sure someone out there appreciates my body type and maybe I haven’t met them yet. I don’t obsess over my looks though. I just try and make myself happy in different ways.

So, what body types do you consider to be attractive and beautiful?