Day 225 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - We Think We Can Control...

Photo by Gabriel Benois on Unsplash

Lesson 225: We Think We Can Control...

We think we can control. We think we can manage. We flail about, trying to control, in hopes that this will bring peace. Yet the only way to experience this deep feeling of safety, trust and peace, is to open and expand. To let go of the idea of control, completely.
— Sara Wiseman

Today’s lesson just might be one of the greatest challenges of letting go. We think we’re in control of all aspects of our lives but if we were just to let go and let things run on course, would it actually fall off the tracks or proceed as per normal? Does surrendering make you feel uneasy? If you don’t feel ready to let go, then why not?

I have learned to let go over the course of this year. Good and bad things happen all the time whether we like it or not. We literally don’t have control of a mishap that occurs that we didn’t foresee coming. You can calculate how everything can happen on any given day but then a curve ball is delivered and you just adapt. When I think about it more, we really don’t have full control and we just think we do. Like, I think I’m going to be a successful healer one day. I have control of how I learn and study. I also need to work hard, establish connections and build myself into this role. Those are things I can work on but does not guarantee my success per se. I can open and expand and this can lead to results I would haven’t thought of. It’s possible if I don’t let go, or let go and let the Universe take over, that it comes to the same result. I don’t know what could happen really. I feel like this becomes such a philosophical question. If the path we choose is laid out and we surrender control, will it eventually just lead us where we need to go? I feel like that’s the lesson for today. we can’t really know what’s going to happen – we can envision, wish for and work towards something, but it can just as easily be deliverable in another way that the Universe has for us.

If we completely surrender to the Universe, it’s allowing a higher power to safely get us where we need to be. It involves so much trust and faith. The question is do you have it? I let go because the less I stop worrying in my head, the more I see synchronicity in my life and the right people have come along when I’ve needed them. I didn’t make this happen as much as the Universe made it happen. Really, sometimes without trying I’m placed on the right path, so why not just keep following that and see where it leads me? I feel so much peace in that though can understand why others may not. It’s a trust beyond measure which isn’t for everyone, but if you can delve into that level, it’s content like you can’t explain. Try it and see what happens.

Day 58 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Emotions are Like Sails

Photo by Michael Olsen on Unsplash

Photo by Michael Olsen on Unsplash

Lesson 58: Emotions are like sails...

Lesson 58: Emotions are like waves, but they are also like sails; they must be adjusted as each breath of wind arrives. Tighten them too far, and the boat capsizes. Let them out too fast, the result is the same. Learning to sail with your emotions is one of your lessons in this lifetime.
— Sara Wiseman

So this lesson very much advises how we can be in control of our emotions, letting go when we needed though not too fast and knowing when it’s a time for release. It’s about creating the right balance within ourselves in order to steer ourselves in the right direction.

The exercise today is to think of something that makes you cry and then think of something that makes you extremely happen. Rinse and repeat this 6 times, 12 times, 50 times etc throughout the day. The point is to use this tool to find your ability to shift with “conscious intention”.

I personally don’t have anything that makes me cry at present.  I did however looked at something that made me angry and then filtered to something that makes me happy. My angry emotion usually comes up in relation to my work situation. Something that makes me extremely happy is going to see live music. At first when I was practising this exercise all I could feel was residual anger flow into my happy memory. That was uncomfortable. When I closed my eyes and tried again, there wasn’t as much anger flowing into my happy memory. It really takes some practise to switch off from one emotion to the next one. Clearly this will take time but it’s something that I have never tried, so I’m open to the possibilities. See how you go with it. It’s very challenging – not going to lie.

Day 45 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - There is the illusion..

Lesson 45: There is the illusion..

Today I am to think about how much control I have over my life, if I’m sure about that and to imagine the universe having a better plan for me.

I agree that we do not have complete control of our lives. I know this all too well when my life went out of my control last year and I questioned life itself. When you really feel life spiralling out of control, you really question why. I know last year’s trauma was a pivotal point for me, and I just couldn’t see the value in life when everything seemed to go wrong. I know now, that was just the universe building me up to be a stronger person today, and proving to me that I can overcome any adversity. I was shown that I could go to the very bottom and have the power to climb back out.

I realise this is a story I spout a lot. It’s my story and it definitely shaped how I became the person I am today. I don’t even care that I repeat myself because I had my awakening through my adversity. I suffered a loss in an abortion, I didn’t know why the situation was happening to me at the time, but I’ve grown so much from it because I angrily asked the universe what was the point. I got my answer in 2 angel fish. They were sent to me and I’ve never really doubted what the universe brings me since that connection.

It’s why I’ve chosen to just live through experience. Every situation has something to be gained from it. A little insight maybe? A little fun? A little memory? Life is to be experienced and not just a set of tasks to be accomplished. We need to LIVE and not just exist. I know I want to look back on my life and can say I really loved the experience. The day I move on, I’ll be ready because I can say I truly lived. I believe the universe is sending me what I need when I need it. So it’s just being open to what comes.