Day 189 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 27 - En-Couraging

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

Lesson 189: Check In WEEK 27 - En-Couraging

This is the art of courage: to see things as they are and still believe that the victory lies not with those who avoid the bad, but those who taste, in living awareness, every drop of the good.
— Victoria Lincoln

The week has been trying to show that by revealing your inner truth and showing some vulnerability, allows us to understand that it goes hand in hand with courage. If you can accept the truth about yourself, then it goes a long way to help clearing what holds you back in life. Facing some inner truth is not always easy and can be challenging. I think the key to facing them is acceptance. No one is perfect and I think that’s important to remember in this journey. It takes a shit load of courage to want to face up to them and admit things to yourself when you didn’t want to before. I think the biggest eye opener was doing the “why I matter” day. We all matter and it was about really finding your “self”. I believe we all have a purpose whether we choose to believe it or not. I would love if everyone believed that.
Today’s exercise is to complete the following statements and repeat, when necessary:

  • Without apology and hesitation I would like to declare______
  • I know the truth when I hear it because______
  • Telling myself that "I matter" makes me feel______ [psst, notice any weather that arises as you contemplate this statement and breathe into that]


·         Without apology and hesitation I would like to declare that I am a witch and spiritual being that can do intuitive readings who is a little bit weird.

  • I know the truth when I hear it because of the feeling and knowing I get from the truth.
  • Telling myself that "I matter" makes me feel like I have purpose.

Day 186 - A Year to Clear - Tell the Truth

Photo by Jasper Boer on Unsplash

Photo by Jasper Boer on Unsplash

Lesson 186: Tell the Truth

Today is about telling the truth in your clearing practises. The element of truth comes about when applying awareness to your courage in your clearing. I was having a bit of trouble trying to understand today’s lesson. The message is that if you go into a task without a thought and hoping for the best result, it’s not really doing a good job. In addition to this, when you “tell the truth about your experience”, it’s about conscious effort to allow you to feel. Clearing allows you to feel. I guess that’s the point? Even though clearing brings about emotions you might not necessarily want to feel, for example being uncomfortable, at the end of the day, once it’s cleared you’ll feel good about your space and how you feel in it. It’s not an easy task and was never going to be and it’s about the courage you can possess to overcome those things that hold you back.

So, telling the truth in this experience is the whole rollercoaster of emotions. I know it hasn’t been easy and some days I don’t clear at all. I just do it when I can. The physical clearing is slow for me because when I do clear, I think I’ve done what I’ve needed to so far but in reality, I seem to find more things that can really go. Confronting those wasteful thoughts was challenging and I have explained this in previous posts the truth in that comes about from it. I think clearing is a journey of what weighs you down that you need to get rid of to reveal your best self. I think I tell the truth in all my posts of my experience. I think I do this lesson quite well.

Day 185 - A Year to Clear - It Takes Courage to Let Go

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Lesson 185: It Takes Courage to Let Go

We all have courage inside of us. I think when we’re ready, we use it in ways we didn’t image possible. I don’t think courage has to be some grand gesture. I think it’s even the small steps you take to actively want to be and do better for yourself. In this clearing journey, the courage I’ve had to summon to face my deepest, darkest truths have built some character within me. It’s actually been the most confronting thing I’ve ever done in my life – go to the deepest parts of my subconscious and come to some realisations that I didn’t really know until I faced them. It’s really a journey as well. I think that’s courage.

Other things I’ve done this year where I’ve shown courage is to discover my spiritual side and what they really entails. Just going into the unknown and trusting some higher power, not really knowing if it’s right for me and just going with the flow of it. That takes courage. It really opened doors to mentors and friends. Very grateful with how I’ve grown since the day I decided to follow what the Universe had for me.

I have a more open voice at work and try not to let people just take over the decision making. That took courage from me because I don’t usually like conflict, but I feel like if you don’t speak up, then you can be disadvantaged as well as taken advantage of. I think being able to be bold and assertive can go a long way. I’ve grown in the work place and have a voice.

I think deciding to experience new things takes courage. I think sometimes I’ve just had to go out on my own to experience. I have learned that relying on others isn’t always the best way to go. Sometimes if you really want to do something, just go for it and don’t wait to be accompanied. It pushes your comfort zone but that’s the beauty of life. Sometimes we need to push ourselves and just be brave!

I think courage is about doing away with self-doubt and fear. The things I’ve written are about overcoming these things. And in overcoming those feelings and emotions, I’m truly letting go of what was holding me back. When we’ve let go, we’re clear.