Day 105 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Some Days You Feel Good

Photo by Eli DeFaria on Unsplash

Photo by Eli DeFaria on Unsplash

Lesson 105: Some Days You Feel Good...

We all have good and bad days. That goes without saying. We have the capability to raise our vibration in those moments when we can really get low. This can be done by using your breath. When people say take some deep breaths, it really has the power to increase our vibration. I think we really take for granted just how much power that has for us.

Today’s exercise is to hold your intentions with each breath. In through the nose with one deep breath, hold it, then release through the mouth. Do this as many times as you like. Think of something you want to achieve today and breathe that in with good intention. With each breath out, release any negative thought that you may have towards yourself and your intentions. I prefer to close my eyes when I do this, because as I open my eyes, I feel so refreshed.

I decided to release any negative thoughts involved with work and I want to move on from it. Some bullshit is going down and I have to remember that because I cannot control it, I shouldn’t let my anger to the situation get the best of me. I got to keep focusing on myself and realise if it’s not for me, to look for another job. It will work out. Breathing helps to calm me down and I feel lighter. That’s a good way to be.

How did you go?

Day 105 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 15 - Raising the Frequency

Photo by Matias Jacobi on Unsplash

Photo by Matias Jacobi on Unsplash

Lesson 105: Check In WEEK 15 - Raising the Frequency

This week has all about releasing, building and understanding simple truths.

I especially needed a reminder that what we put out in the world is what we attract. If we’re always in a negative mindset, then that’s what we are always going to see – the bad in things, the bad in people, get angry at little things. This week has taught me that we can always take small steps to raise our vibration into positive environments. Just imagining yourself as the best version you want to be, noting the attributes to that and working towards it, really sets things into motion. We can be whatever we want to if we work hard for it.

There was talk about worthiness. I think the list I made of all the things I see the best version of myself integrates worthiness. I think if I know all these positive things I want to be and work towards it, then I become worthy of that. I believe the message from the lesson is that we’re always worthy, but I disagree. I think nothing comes from nothing but something comes out of hard work. You can’t sit around lazy taking no action and deem yourself as worthy of something. That’s just my opinion anyway. I think it will work out if I remain consistent in my efforts.