Day 133 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 19 - Expanding Awareness
/Photo by Grant McCurdy on Unsplash
Lesson 133: Check In WEEK 19 - Expanding Awareness
This week has really been about understanding our interconnectedness. We are all one big collective that influence each other in more ways than we can imagine. That we are all one big unit that has the ability to raise the vibration as well as bring it down. We are all energy and are therefore connected. If you hurt, then it means I will hurt. If you’re happy, then it means I will be happy. It’s greater synchronicity that we most of the time don’t even notice.
Reflecting on the what I’ve learned so far this week, and on this course, I realise that people come into your life when you need them. It’s nice to think that you could have used some help in the past, but I believe, when it’s truly right for you to meet someone that will influence your life, they appear when it’s right. I only just realised this as I started my spiritual path. The people I have met along my medium path or witchcraft path, are meant to have appeared when they were supposed to. But the beautiful thing is that they help and I help them, in various ways. My path is very solitary and that is the same for many others, but it’s knowing when to recognise that we don’t have to be alone. A simple reach out to another can really uplift you and them. When I type this out, I realise this is very much the same in general life. We don’t have to be alone. There is a whole world out there full of people ready to lend a helping hand or just simply be your friend. Sometimes we just have to take a leap of faith, that we can find the people we truly resonate with and go out of our comfort zones at times to really connect. If we are all interconnected, then it should just fall into place when we put our efforts in.
What ways has the Universe impacted your synchronicity?