Day 154 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Modern Lifestyle is...
/Lesson 154: The Modern Lifestyle is...
“The modern lifestyle is not designed for movement. It is designed to hold the body still, and to have the mind work energetically—not in the realms of love and delight, but in the realms of information.”
Today we are to notice when we’ve spent too much time on the computer or phone etc. Whatever you can think of where your body is still but the brain is working. If you can, take come time out to be in your body and not the mind. That can be doing exercise, doing some stretches or having a nice hot shower.
My Sunday consisted of going to a medium class all day and then a concert. I guess a lot of my medium work would be using my mind though being at the concert used my body for movement. My back started aching though, so it wasn’t the best use of my body. I guess the message here is to clear out the thoughts that can circulate through our minds and just use our bodies instead for activity. This can be a good clearing exercise and a form of release. And, I suppose you generally just feel better as you’re not clouding your mind and you’re spreading good vibes through the body.
If you did this today, how do you think you would feel?