Day 156 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - If You Are Out of Balance...

Photo by Kyson Dana on Unsplash

Photo by Kyson Dana on Unsplash

Lesson 156: If You Are Out of Balance...

Today is all about being out of balance. If you feel that in your body that things are not balanced, you can ask your heart why. You can have your heart show you the situations that started you on a path to cause your body to be out of balance which includes being overweight, having addictions and poor nutrition. Sometimes when we feel out of balance, it doesn’t necessarily have to be in relation to food or drink. Today we are to think about the emotions we have that causes an imbalance – this can be emotions that we hold onto, those we haven’t accessed or released. We can release whatever we feel doesn’t serve us well.

I know my body is overweight from bad eating habits. I feel it can be a struggle because I don’t have a love of cooking to prepare my meals in a healthy manner and it’s laziness also. I am aware of it but I can’t seem to commit to good practises for myself, especially lately because I’m so busy. Something is happening in my life where everything is hectic at the moment.

In terms of emotions, I don’t feel out of balance in terms of this exercise. I was imbalanced where I had a lot of negativity and past situations to deal with that helped me release pain. I felt like I was carrying so much pain that it just emanated into my life. I think once you can release what’s not bringing positive energy into your life, it’s a weight lifted off your shoulder – I actually felt lighter in my body. It’s amazing what pain can do to your body and you don’t even realise. It’s like a physical weight you lug around and once it’s released, it’s not there anymore.

Is there an emotion that you can release today?

Day 156 - A Year to Clear - Pain is Energy

Photo by Taylor Bryant on Unsplash

Photo by Taylor Bryant on Unsplash

Lesson 156: Pain is Energy

We’ve all experienced pain whether it be physical or emotional. Pain can be seen as a form of energy that can be created from within and then can move outward. With the clearing practises we’ve achieved so far, pain can be released by following the same principles of clearing – “intention, action, non-identification, and compassion”. If we can work through pain, is it possible to iron out the effects of them on us?

Based on previous posts that I have made over the past few months, I would have spoken about my pain. I know for sure that any pain can be worked upon and it takes a lot of acceptance, understanding, compassion and then allows you to release. I think all pain can be smoothed out in order to allow it to be cleared. I won’t say it’s an easy task though. It’s like having something that causes discomfort shoved in your face for you to deal with. There are some days when you just don’t want to deal with pain and that’s okay – everything should be in your own time. And, it’s okay to reach out to others when you need to. I think the most important thing about dealing with your pain is being aware of it and then taking action. You need to be willing in order to overcome it. No one can solely do it for you and you have to want to confront it yourself.

Over the upcoming days, it seems this theme of pain will be popping up in this course.