Day 178 - A Year to Clear - The Journey

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Lesson 178: The Journey

Clearing is a journey. It’s not only about changing habits but changing parts of our self. What I’m learning is that it’s not a temporary measure in our lives and that it’s a lifelong skill that can be adopted by everyone. If anything, I’m building up my mind and physical space with these skills that I’m learning, which I believe is part of my spirituality. It’s repeatedly said that it takes 1 minute everyday to clear something. For me, I’ve mentioned that I’ve focused on thoughts mostly and still working on this every day. At the end of the day, I am building up to the best version of me. by building my own character, it addresses issues I have, but also brings about a better way of life for me. I’m fixing and growing on the way.

Day 177 - A Year to Clear - It's a Messy Path

Photo by Tim Stief on Unsplash

Photo by Tim Stief on Unsplash

Lesson 177: It's a Messy Path

Today’s lesson is more a reflection on clearing.

We hold onto thoughts and physical possessions for various of reasons. When we go to declutter these things that don’t serve us anymore, we become more spacious and clear a path for good energy to come about. We tend to be hard on ourselves though. The path of clearing is a messy path. It’s not an easy task to do otherwise we would be doing it every day and know how to manage our clearing activities well.

When I started this course, I didn’t know what to expect. I wanted to clear my physical excess though I’ve found more use in clearing my mental clutter. I kind of placed my physical clutter on hold, because of all the thoughts that were holding me back. I still go through the motions of cycling through thoughts that don’t really do me any good, but the difference now, is that I have self-awareness in recognising how I can turn that thought around. I find that even though this is a slow drip course, there is so much to learn about yourself and it gives you the tools to manage your demons, at your own pace. Change doesn’t happen overnight and I’m building myself up to be the best version of myself. I think that’s all anyone can ask for.

Day 177 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Physical Body Cannot Be...

Photo by Mladen Milinovic on Unsplash

Lesson 177: The Physical Body Cannot Be...

The physical body cannot be sated by food, drink, alcohol and so forth, because it cannot answer conditions of the emotional body. It is like trying to feed a stone an apple; stone’s can’t eat apples. It’s not what nourishes them.
— Sara Wiseman

Today is about listing down what feeds us emotionally and what doesn’t. Over the next few days, it’s about noticing that the list is different to what you thought it might be.


Things that feeds me emotionally

·         Music

·         Good people

·         Nice food

·         Meditation

·         Travel

·         Reading

·         Dancing

·         Connecting with people on my spiritual path

·         Knowing people are achieving their dreams


Things that don’t feed me emotionally

·         Negative people

·         Bad news on social platforms

·         Bullying on social platforms

·         Dream killers

·         Ignorance

·         Lack of compassion from others

·         Know it all people


That’s about all I can think of. I know what I want in life and that drives my emotions up high. In terms of what doesn’t feed me emotionally, I find that it’s most based on other people’s actions, and I actively try and have good people around me to counteract all those negative traits.

What did you come up with?