Day 25 - A Year to Clear - Move Stuck Energy
/Photo by Christian Sterk on Unsplash
Lesson 25: VIDEO - Move Stuck Energy
I'm a bit late with my post because I got busy. I did it half way but didn't have time to write what I felt. This lesson had a video of Stephanie Bennett Vogt reiterating that clutter is essentially stuck energy. All those feelings of discomfort when trying to face a task is just stuck energy we need to release. We tend to see clutter as something we need to fix and manage ASAP when we should really clear in the present moment and clear for good. It's not about the desired outcome but how we relate to the experience. We relate to the experience as an observer and this is opening up our awareness by feeling it. We need to tune into our 6 senses (6th being intuition) without judgement and feel with our hearts. This is how we release stuck energy.
I was to go into my closet and pick up an item that wasn't working for me and notice the sensations from this item. I was supposed to pick up clothing but I did a recent massive clean out that I feel this doesn't apply at this time. I picked up a set of candles still in their packaging and sat with it for a moment. I asked myself why I still had these and if they had any use. I concluded that I will use them in my witchcraft. Their original purpose was for decorating a room, but since I left that house, the original use doesn't apply. I will repurpose them. I noticed my feelings around the object was a rush to get an answer as to what to do with them. I need patience. Stephanie mentions, "it's not about getting it done, it's about getting IT". Much to learn.
After watching the video, we are supposed to log this into our journal:
What I noticed this time I went into my closet (versus the last time I did it in Lesson 17) was ___________
Some of the shifts I'm noticing now from "slow dripping" awareness into my daily clearing practice are ___________
My answers are:
What I noticed this time I went into my closet (versus the last time I did it in Lesson 17) was I felt like it will take time but I'll get there.
Some of the shifts I'm noticing now from "slow dripping" awareness into my daily clearing practice are releasing lifts a massive weight off my shoulders and I feel lighter in my mind.