Day 26 - A Year to Clear - Move It
/Photo by Jazmin Quaynor on Unsplash
Lesson 26: Move It
Today's lesson has me moving 1 item without judging myself as bad or the item bad. Just 1 item for 1 minute to move some stuck energy.
I wanted to clean up my dressing table and looking at it made me a bit overwhelmed so I did something simpler. I washed the dishes. I tend to pile up dishes and then not want to do them. It seems such a simple task for others but it's really hard for me to do sometimes. So I just did it without too much thought. I knew I couldn't let it pile up any longer because I know I'd be overwhelmed later if I didn't. Apart from this, I also moved some empty containers from my bathroom. I also have a tendency to just leave empty containers in my bathroom without moving them to the recycling bin. The whole time I did those tasks, I had to tell myself "You can do it". And the relief I felt afterwards!
That's about all I can muster today. It's a public holiday here in Australia and I'm just tired at the moment. I haven't had good sleep lately and want to just rest today and not do much. The most I am doing is these blog posts and then Netflix. No obligations and just wanting to chill. Happy Friday!