Day 279 - A Year to Clear - VIDEO - One Minute Clearing Practice

Photo by Agê Barros on Unsplash

Photo by Agê Barros on Unsplash

Lesson 279: VIDEO - One Minute Clearing Practice

Today’s lesson is to spend some time meditating on an area in your home that needs your attention for clearing. All that is needed is one minute. Close your eyes, breathe in deeply and allow whatever to direct you, to just come up. You will find, that the practise is what you need for today.

I spent my minute clearing the mess that was next to my bed. There were oils, books and water bottles crowding around this one space. It does feel good to just clear away with no attachment. It feels like it’s opened up that spot as well. It’s odd when things are bare but it feels good. I don’t need to fill that space at all. It would be best to be cleared. Makes me think that a lot more things can probably go. Like I’ve done multiple declutters and it has helped but I realise I can actually release so much more. Definitely going to be my goal to achieve by end of year. I know I can do it! One minute at a time right?

Day 279 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Are One...

Photo by Nong Vang on Unsplash

Photo by Nong Vang on Unsplash

Lesson 279: When You Are One...

When you are One, and you understand everyone else is also One, it’s pretty easy to think intuitively. You’re not separate—so you have access to the same information, which is collective soul.
— Sara Wiseman

 Today we are to think about intuitive moments that have come up in our lives. Have you had more because you’re opening up spiritually? Have they occurred in most parts of your life?

I can’t really remember life before this spiritual awakening I’ve had. I just know that it wasn’t my true self and I don’t really think about those past memories. I feel like I’m really building myself in the now.

Because I live with intuition now, I feel like I have more intuitive moments than not. Sometimes there is a just a knowing that I should or shouldn’t do something. Like this weekend I had dinner plans with some friends but during the week, I had this feeling that I wouldn’t be going. Turns out a friend had to cancel and we had to reschedule. Didn’t know she was going to be sick but I just knew I wouldn’t be going. Just all these small things you do, actually are your intuition helping you. Even days when you are walking down the street and you decide to take a different route because you have a bad feeling. That’s intuition helping you along the way.

I do remember the times when I didn’t trust my intuition and then it screws me over. Just recently, I asked people who I had done intuitive readings for to leave some testimonials to help me get started on my business. There was this one lady who I thought I better not message her, but then I saw her leave good feedback in a Facebook group, so it should be okay to ask her right? I decided to message her and then she was totally rude back. I should have trusted my initial thoughts on messaging her. Just another lesson to be learned… again.. Trust your intuition!

I think my intuition has really helped me in gauging people with good intentions or not. It has always proven that when I have a bad feeling about someone, the truth always is revealed. It hasn’t failed me when it comes to establishing connection with others. I know when I’m not going to get along with someone and have learned to trust that feeling over time.

I think as I’ve developed spiritually, I am more intuitive. I never used to be. I think it’s something that expands if you are open and accepting of it. It’s also about trusting yourself.