Day 298 - A Year to Clear - VIDEO - The Floor Pose

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Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Lesson 298: VIDEO - The Floor Pose

Stephanie Bennett Vogt has a lesson today which demonstrates her favourite floor pose in which she finds relieves stress. She calls it the “Cadillac of support” and allows you to let go. It doesn’t take much time and you may find relief in it.

I personally felt like I could achieve the same relaxing feeling just by lying down and shutting off. I don’t know if I missed the point or not, but maybe the whole elevation of legs makes a difference? I didn’t really feel much of a difference though. Maybe I need to do it for longer?

Let me know if you try and it out and find some overwhelming sense of relaxation, because I’m not sure it really made me relax deeper than normal. Haha!

Day 298 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - We Often See Our Angels...

Photo by 小胖 车 on Unsplash

Photo by 小胖 车 on Unsplash

Lesson 298: We Often See Our Angels...

…and guides from a young age. As we grow up, we may forget about them or they are not easy to connect with as we lose our levels of consciousness. Today we are to close our eyes and ask the Divine to reveal the presence of guides, entities, angels or spirits to us. We are not meant to see in this exercise but just to sense a presence. Notice if you feel a sense of familiarity with this entity.

I connect with spirits quite often. Sometimes when I want to, sometimes when I don’t want to. At present, I feel a male presence lingering on my left side. He reminds me of a Greek man, possibly an angel. He could be roman and a warrior of some kind. I just sense he’s wearing loin cloth and has curly hair. I am not going to ask what he wants. I feel like he adores me.

It’s odd because last night I felt a presence hugging me with their arm around me once again. I don’t fear the feeling because it seems like such a loving presence, so I just acknowledged that presence and allowed them to continue hugging me. That sounds so odd to just treat it as if it were normal, but it really does happen to me. I can understand why people may get freaked out by it, because it’s as if another human is hugging me as I lay in bed as there is no physical body, but I am getting used to it. Maybe it’s just what I need at the time. I need the comfort which is much appreciated, and because I don’t have a partner, some higher power is sending me love. I never ask and I just accept whatever it is. I’ve really grown in this acceptance and sometimes I shock myself with how comfortable I am in it these days. I’m very much a completely different person to whom I was 1-2 years ago. It’s funny how it all pans out hey!

Anyway, how did you go with the exercise? Feel any presence that you hadn’t felt before?