Day 317 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Choose Higher Vibration...

Photo by Joeri Römer on Unsplash

Lesson 317: When You Choose Higher Vibration...

We can communicate with entities at any time whether they be departed friends, angels, guides or ascended masters. The divine is everywhere. We only create barriers through our own thought. When we choose to connect to higher vibrations, then we will always flow through to places of that high vibration. Today we are to consider a part of ourselves that seeks the dark. Can you ask yourself through the Divine if it’s needed or you are now done with it?

Something that seeks darkness is my emotions around my job redundancy situation. There is a part of me that wants to seek that depression and wallow in it. I don’t want to do anything but lay in bed and not do much. I know that this is not me. I know I need to push myself to get up and get shit done. No one else is going to do this for me. I was shown just yesterday that I need to be grateful for the things I have, rather than think about all the things I don’t have. So, my day has been rich with positive notions today. I looked at myself in the mirror and told myself all the things I am grateful for. I didn’t have that much of a list as I couldn’t think but it was a start. This is something I want to practise every morning before I go to work and just say a few things that I am proud of and also grateful for. I feel it really empowers me during the day. I don’t need that low emotions and vibrations of hearing this redundancy new anymore. I am going to move forward and take on any challenge that comes my way. No matter what happens, I will be directed to where I need to go. I know this always happens. I want to focus on all the things I take for granted and realise the abundance around me that supports me each and every day.

What dark and low vibration did you get rid of today?

Day 315 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - If All Life is a Dream...

Lesson 315: If All Life is a Dream...

If all life is a dream, does it matter? It matters. The human experience is specific and special; it allows the soul to grow that cannot happen when the soul is not attached to a body. You as human are perhaps more divine, because you have the human experience. This opens you.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about what it would be like if we were an untethered entity. Do we think we have been untethered before whether it be from a past life or a life between lives or is there another part of your soul’s journey?

I think if we were untethered between body and soul, I feel like we might exist as spirits or pure energy. I feel like the body is here for a human experience. We need mind, body and soul to function as we do on this plane of existence.

If we were untethered from our bodies, then I think we would exist on another plane or reality. I think we would be aware of what we are at that point. I feel like we all come from other planes before experiencing human life. If we are just souls out there, then I feel like we have a choice as to how we want to live in our next life, whether it be on Earth or some other dimension. I don’t think we live all our lives on Earth. I feel we experience different forms of existence as part of our soul’s journey. It’s all about learning and being part of the experience. I don’t think you can be untethered from a past life. I feel like it would only be in the in between before your next life. I think as humans we can only be tethered. Maybe in other planes, we don’t need a body vessel to exist and have a life. I guess we won’t know until we pass on and see what happens on the other side.

Day 309 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Other Entities...

Photo by Gian D. on Unsplash

Photo by Gian D. on Unsplash

Lesson 309: The Other Entities...

The other entities that cross our path in our layers and levels of consciousness don’t have the human experience. They see all past, all future, all as energetic. They see contraction and expansion of energy, beyond particular experience.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about if we were an entity and from that perspective, think about how we would view the human experience. Whether you take on the perspective of an angel, a guide, an animal guide, a spirit… whatever form of energy you take, how would you imagine the human experience.

I think that entities are lucky in a way. They don’t experience the emotional rollercoasters like humans do. I think if I was someone’s guide without having the human experience, I’d be repeatedly be telling my human that “everything works out”. I mean, I get told that now by my own guides – some who were previously human and some that have never experienced it.

But then I think we are very lucky. We get to make our lives how we want it. Now, I understand that not everyone gets the same privilege and we all face challenges, some that are comprehendible and some that aren’t. I feel lucky in how I live, but I know, someone in say a country where women don’t have equal rights are faced with harder challenges. I think it’s through our own circumstance in how we build our own character, how we continually to prove to ourselves how strong and resilient we can be, the times we can show kindness and compassion, and then how we know our place in the world and the love we can spread.

I think if I was an entity, I would fully observe and learn myself. I would try to understand the challenges human face and want to think practically in how that human would overcome their circumstances. I would want to be relate to them. Not everything is sunshine and lollipops. I want to know that the advice I give is someone suited to my human. I can’t just say things will work out and leave them with some cryptic clues. I would definitely challenge my human’s thinking. I would definitely lead them on the right direction without giving them the answers. I think the human experience is one that needs to be lived with our own decision making.

How would you view human experience?

Day 298 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - We Often See Our Angels...

Photo by 小胖 车 on Unsplash

Photo by 小胖 车 on Unsplash

Lesson 298: We Often See Our Angels...

…and guides from a young age. As we grow up, we may forget about them or they are not easy to connect with as we lose our levels of consciousness. Today we are to close our eyes and ask the Divine to reveal the presence of guides, entities, angels or spirits to us. We are not meant to see in this exercise but just to sense a presence. Notice if you feel a sense of familiarity with this entity.

I connect with spirits quite often. Sometimes when I want to, sometimes when I don’t want to. At present, I feel a male presence lingering on my left side. He reminds me of a Greek man, possibly an angel. He could be roman and a warrior of some kind. I just sense he’s wearing loin cloth and has curly hair. I am not going to ask what he wants. I feel like he adores me.

It’s odd because last night I felt a presence hugging me with their arm around me once again. I don’t fear the feeling because it seems like such a loving presence, so I just acknowledged that presence and allowed them to continue hugging me. That sounds so odd to just treat it as if it were normal, but it really does happen to me. I can understand why people may get freaked out by it, because it’s as if another human is hugging me as I lay in bed as there is no physical body, but I am getting used to it. Maybe it’s just what I need at the time. I need the comfort which is much appreciated, and because I don’t have a partner, some higher power is sending me love. I never ask and I just accept whatever it is. I’ve really grown in this acceptance and sometimes I shock myself with how comfortable I am in it these days. I’m very much a completely different person to whom I was 1-2 years ago. It’s funny how it all pans out hey!

Anyway, how did you go with the exercise? Feel any presence that you hadn’t felt before?

Day 297 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Angels and Guides Work...

Photo by Jamie Davies on Unsplash

Lesson 297: Angels and Guides Work...

…though various mediums including electronica. They can send messages through song, so when you get in your car today, listen to the message you are receiving today. If you don’t own a car, think about the first song you hear today and what does it mean to you. It may be a simple message, though may have profound meaning to you.

The first song I heard for the day was Fleetwood Mac’s “Everywhere”. It was an ad for who knows what on my TV and the words “Oh I….I want to be with you everywhere” was sung. I feel like these words from my guides is to serve as a reminder that they are with me always. Even when I think I am alone or lonely, I still have a higher power with me. I don’t actually listen to that song at all but it’s quite beautiful. Even though it’s a love song and about a relationship, those words were the only ones on the ad. So, I just took it for what it is.

What song sent you a message today?