Day 122 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Understand That...

Photo by Mila Young on Unsplash

Photo by Mila Young on Unsplash

Lesson 122: When You Understand That...

When you understand that you are one of One, there is no challenge to raising your vibration to its highest soul level. You simply match frequency to the highest realm of Divine/One/All, of which you are already part. This is simple. This is done through the heart.
— Sara Wiseman

Today is about reaching this highest vibration in meditation and opening your heart to that vibration. See what comes about. You will feel things you didn’t imagine were possible. You feel unfold and have deeper understanding of self. You might even feel the fluidity of your life. Your heart will be so open. You will be so open.

When I reach my highest vibration through meditation, I can go so deep that my body is interconnected from above and below. It is definitely a feeling of oneness. We are all interconnected but we are all intertwined to the Universe and this Earth. When I get in those states of meditation, that’s all I feel - that I am one with everything. It’s a peace I can’t describe. It’s a knowing. It’s a deep and personal understanding. It’s something for you though others can get to the same state, so it’s a universal understanding if we choose.

Sometimes my body feels weightless, whilst other times it feels heavy. It’s crazy to think not everyone gets to feel this way. This is why I do what I do. I want to be living proof that this spirituality is real. That you can live and breathe it. I want to experience and live it so people see how I am as a result. This needs to spread, not only for people to heal themselves but heal each other. We all have the ability to achieve this highest vibration. I want to speak out of my own experiences and not bullshit people. I write my blog because I hope I can touch one person and my words resonate. To me, that’s achieving things I didn’t even think I could accomplish. If I raise my vibration and can prove it, there is no reason why another can’t. If I help to spread that message out, it means we’re all closer to that state of oneness.

Day 119 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Law of Levity

Photo by Sam Manns on Unsplash 

Photo by Sam Manns on Unsplash


Lesson 119: The Law of Levity...

The law of levity always trumps the law of gravity. Vibration always rises its highest level. This is why saints, the holy ones, the ascended, always have the ability to raise the vibration of those who are around them.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about a person who raises our vibration and those we have trouble maintaining high vibration with. I think we all instantly know of people that came to mind.

I personally don’t hang out with people that I don’t hold a good vibration with. I consider my time precious these days, so why would I want to be around people that aren’t good people or people I don’t like? I like to surround myself with honest people and those that make me happy. That’s not being unreasonable. I dislike being placed into situations where people know I prefer not to be around someone, and then invite me to said same event. I have no interest in being surrounded by others that bring me down or aren’t good people. That is toxic and I choose to not partake in it. That’s not to say my friends can’t hang out with those people, just don’t invite me. Simple.

I have actively made my life free of other people trying to bring my vibe down. I give people chances and when they fuck that up, then they aren’t a part of my life anymore. I don’t like other people ruining what I’m building either. I choose the people I want to vibe with and then we are all connecting on a higher level. I think the people I surround myself with now are who I’m meant to be around. I can usually sense when someone is no good or someone I know I won’t get along with. My gut instincts haven’t been wrong so far and I trust that.

The people you surround yourself with should only ever want the best for you. Anyone that chooses to bring you down, are simply not worth it. Let those people go as they will drain you to no end. People making snide remarks and want to kill your hopes are dreams, and you will know who they are, need to vacate your life. Sometimes it’s hard and confronting, sometimes you feel guilty, sometimes you think you have an obligation, but you once you recognise that they don’t have your best interests, then you will feel so much better for letting them go.