Day 45 - A Year to Clear - Your Indicator
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Lesson 45: Your Indicator to Dial It Down
Today I am to recognise one issue or thing in my life that annoys me and gets under my skin. Those types of emotions towards it is an “indicator to dial it down”. Stephanie’s lesson talks about those chemicals building up that stops us dead in our tracks. I am to notice when fight or flight responses kick in unnecessarily and attempt to dial it back.
I seriously think the only thing bothering me that really gets my blood boiling is my situation at work. It’s not within my control and it’s waiting on answers. I try not to think about it but when you feel like you’re constantly shafted, it’s hard to keep a positive mindset. We spend most of our time at work so when it’s not going well, it can really throw off your day… but every day. The way I currently dial it back is to look at my post it note that we established from lesson 41 to “just breathe” and I don’t think about it anymore. I just try and focus on my tasks so I don’t get stuck in that cycle.
I believe to really dial it back, you need to recognise the emotion rising within you, and stop to think if it really serves you. It does take awareness for this to happen. But I learned yesterday at a meet up group about personal development, that fight or flight response is also due to us being forced into situations that push our comfort zone as well. So if we start to recognise those emotions in those uncomfortable situations, we can then work towards overcoming any stressful or fearful thought. Sounds easy, but it takes work really. Something I am still working on for sure. It’s all about taking a moment to think about what doesn’t serve you and retraining the brain to think differently.