Day 273 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 39 - Knowing
/Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
Lesson 273: Check In WEEK 39 - Knowing
I felt like this week was teaching me what to do when I didn’t know how to answer my question. It didn’t focus on intuition like I thought it would – trusting your own answers from within. I think initially it was good in telling me that if it feels right go with it and if it feels bad, then don’t, but I didn’t really think about what to do when I just didn’t have a feeling or an answer. If anything, the week clarified for me that you can definitely put questions on hold in order to get the right answer. Sometimes just putting it out in the Universe is all you need. I think it was good in learning that you don’t need to have the answer straight away and stepping aside might just be the trick to figuring it out.