Day 35 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Look At Money

Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash

Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash

Lesson 35: When you look at money...

Lesson 35: When you look at money as energy, you understand how easy it is to manifest and create the energy of money. You may do this easily, as your heart opens.
— Sara Wiseman

I am still having trouble getting into the concept of money as energy. Today I am to write down my fears with money and ask myself if I really need to hold onto my fears. I am then I write “I am ready to release my fears around money” and see what happens.

My fears are pretty basic – that I’ll lose my job and not have money to support myself. I mean that’s my whole livelihood gone and because I’m clearing debts, it would mean I could potentially be drowning in money woes. I am afraid of just not having enough. I think I’m more afraid of not having enough in general. I have been in pretty bad situations where I was living week to week and couldn’t afford much of anything, so I don’t want to end up in those circumstances again.

Of course, I can stick to a good financial plan to chip away at this problem, but you just never know what factors that can happen that will impact you. All I have is to rely on myself solely. I do have a mortgage, so it’s more around not having money to pay that. I don’t have a partner so I don’t currently share expenses – in saying that, having a partner doesn’t necessarily improve your financial situation.

If money is just energy to flow through, then I have to look at it more positively. It’s a blessing to have a job and support myself, there are other people in this world with much less in worse situations and I have a good support network if needed. I think I need to approach money with gratitude, I dispense to the necessities and I slowly diminish my debt for better financial goals.

I am ready to release my fears around money… Let any worries be sent out to the universe and let my approach to money manifest in ways I’ve never known before.


Day 34 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Money

Photo by Jeremy Paige on Unsplash

Photo by Jeremy Paige on Unsplash

Lesson 34: You can look at money...

Saturday’s lesson takes on a view of money. Rather than thinking it’s paper/plastic and in a computer, can we see it as energy flowing. This is a very foreign concept to me – thinking about money like it is moving energy. If we can see it as energy, then we will lose the desire to worry how much we have.

I’m to think about how I view money, think about how much I need to have enough and if I’m sure about it. I’ll comment on this before meditating on it.

I view money as essential… especially growing up in western society. I’ll go as far to say it controls us. It truly does. I can’t eat or have a roof over my head without it. I used to be an over indulgent consumerist, over spending money I didn’t have and creating debt. In fact, I’m still reeling from this but taking more of a control on my financial future. At the moment, I don’t think I have enough because of the debt I created myself. It will take time, but I will get through it with some steps I’ve learned recently. Sometimes I worry that I won’t get through but I have to power through.  I think like everyone else, it’d be nice to have more or in an ideal world, money wouldn’t exist and we could trade in skills, but those are just thoughts. I think I am quite fortunate over some people for sure, but it’s about breaking old habits for me and then I’ll feel comfortable in my own circumstance.

I got too relaxed in my meditation and fell asleep. Whoops! Anyway, I could see myself just throwing money away – quite literally, cash in my hand and I was just throwing it. Pretty much who I can be if not in check. In my meditation, I was walking through a city where everyone looked like mindless drones: we go to work, we work for money and it’s a forced daily routine. The visual was very much robotic. It was like we are so caught up in our routine that we forget to interact with each other, but it’s essential to our livelihood at the same time. I was also reminded the one thing money does for me that brings me joy, and that is travelling. Without money, I wouldn’t be able to see how other cultures live so that’s the upside. It’d be nice if somehow we could travel without spending so much to get there but that’s more a fantasy than anything.

I think I need work on viewing money as energy. I need to clear my debts to feel comfortable and my meditation seemed more like a warning to stop throwing it away. I don’t think we should just carelessly waste money on things we don’t need and that’s the message I have taken. Money is always going to be flowing of the sense of it comes in and goes out but we should still take control of how we manage it.