Day 35 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - When You Look At Money
/Photo by lucas Favre on Unsplash
Lesson 35: When you look at money...
“Lesson 35: When you look at money as energy, you understand how easy it is to manifest and create the energy of money. You may do this easily, as your heart opens.”
I am still having trouble getting into the concept of money as energy. Today I am to write down my fears with money and ask myself if I really need to hold onto my fears. I am then I write “I am ready to release my fears around money” and see what happens.
My fears are pretty basic – that I’ll lose my job and not have money to support myself. I mean that’s my whole livelihood gone and because I’m clearing debts, it would mean I could potentially be drowning in money woes. I am afraid of just not having enough. I think I’m more afraid of not having enough in general. I have been in pretty bad situations where I was living week to week and couldn’t afford much of anything, so I don’t want to end up in those circumstances again.
Of course, I can stick to a good financial plan to chip away at this problem, but you just never know what factors that can happen that will impact you. All I have is to rely on myself solely. I do have a mortgage, so it’s more around not having money to pay that. I don’t have a partner so I don’t currently share expenses – in saying that, having a partner doesn’t necessarily improve your financial situation.
If money is just energy to flow through, then I have to look at it more positively. It’s a blessing to have a job and support myself, there are other people in this world with much less in worse situations and I have a good support network if needed. I think I need to approach money with gratitude, I dispense to the necessities and I slowly diminish my debt for better financial goals.
I am ready to release my fears around money… Let any worries be sent out to the universe and let my approach to money manifest in ways I’ve never known before.