Day 147 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 21 - Cultivating Ease

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Lesson 147: Check In WEEK 21 - Cultivating Ease

The week’s message was very much how we can approach ease. We can relax and feel peace and joy if we so choose. Today we are to think of ease, peace and joy as distinct energy and describe what their main differences would be. How does each one feel in the body and how do you embrace them.

I personally feel like peace is a balance and calming state within yourself. Like nothing can bother you as you feel like everything will be okay. It’s an acceptance.

Ease is a state of relaxation. Like you’ve gotten relief from your anxiety and stress and you just need to take a moment away from the situation.

Joy for me is a state of happiness and being. It’s the high you get from life from various experiences and situations that you feel extremely happy.

With any of those feelings, I can a sense of the weight is off my shoulders. You can set aside your worries if you try and just embrace the calm that you can create. Don’t let the mind take over and just feel peaceful. To me, it’s about telling yourself that everything will be okay and I find that it always works out.

Day 146 - A Year to Clear - Reflections On Ease

Photo by Donald Giannatti on Unsplash

Lesson 146: Reflections On Ease

After the meditation of ease from the last post, we are to complete the following sentences and take a moment to really think about them:

  • Some the ways that ease shows up in my life are______
  • Some of the ways that I experience peace in my life are______
  • Some of the ways that I experience pure joy in my life are______


  • Some of the ways that ease shows up in my life are through support of friends and family.
  • Some of the ways that I experience peace in my life are by walking through nature and seeing the beauty in as well as the beauty of those around me.
  • Some of the ways that I experience pure joy in my life are living for experience and doing things that truly bring out the best version of me.

What do you sentences look like?