Day 41 - A Year to Clear - Quiet the Mind
/Photo by SHINE TANG on Unsplash
Lesson 41: Quiet the Mind
Saturday’s lesson focuses on thinking about one thing that I can say or do that will work every time to “quiet the mind and loosen stuck energy”. I am to write it on a Post It not and place it in a noticeable spot to remind me.
My note says “Just Breathe”. Just taking a moment to allow everything to settle down through breath work is beneficial to me. I think it’s beneficial to everyone really. Controlling the storm by taking a moment to step back and breathe through it.
I’m placing this note on my laptop for work as I think that’s where a lot of other people’s energy really starts to impact me. I will also place a post it note at home on one of the walls I pass by frequently. A simple exercise with lifelong benefits.