Day 127 - A Year to Clear - Shine Your Light Brightly
/Photo by Riley McCullough on Unsplash
Lesson 127: Shine Your Light Brightly
“There is an endless net of threads throughout the universe. . .The horizontal threads are in space. The vertical threads are in time. At every crossing of the threads there is an individual. And every individual is a crystal bead. And every crystal bead reflects not only the light from every other crystal in the net, but also every other reflection throughout the entire universe.”
New week equals a new theme of “Expanding Awareness”. We are to consider the quote from ancient religious hymns in Indian mythology.
The key message is to lift your own vibration and shine your light. Let your light spread. If you raise the vibration, then watch those around you lift their vibration also. We all have this power, if we choose to. Maybe sometimes there isn’t always someone to lead the way for us, so we need to harness the power ourselves to do it. I for one do not have someone I idolise and don’t append myself to one way of thinking. I take bits and pieces from things I pick up to light up my own path. I know the struggle that can be to not have someone to follow. Sometimes, I feel that I need to tackle things on my own, because not everyone can be there for you when you need them, and sometimes you just have to rely on yourself in life. So, I’ve been trying to shine my own light, learning everything on my own and hope that my light will spread to others.