Day 217 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 31 - Validating

Photo by Eugenia Maximova on Unsplash

Lesson 217: Check In WEEK 31 - Validating

The week saw us looking into the power of validation. Our words and actions impact others but also people’s words and actions impact us. If we create a good environment through complimenting others, can you see how that can turn someone else’s mood around and also uplift yours? If we’re always negative, we spread that around, just like if we’re positive that spreads around too. People feed off good compliments and it brings people into a positive space.

When I had to think of 50 good qualities of myself, it was actually difficult to think of things that weren’t repeated. I got there in the end but I really had to think about it.

Everything we do has an impact on not only ourselves and our mindset, but that of others. If we continue to recognise people’s great qualities, it allows them to be validated and effects their words and actions towards themselves and others. It’s creating a ripple effect of goodness.

Day 214 - A Year to Clear - What You Say to Others

Lesson 214: What You Say to Others

Today is all about being aware of what we say and do. Do you realise how your actions and words impact those around you? Are you also aware of what you don’t say and do impacts others? The task is to actually give someone a compliment today. The added challenge is to choose someone you don’t know, maybe you don’t even particularly like this person or they make you feel uneasy, but it’s about taking that chance to see how you affect others.

I interacted with a lot of people and I did pay compliments to people I see every day or most days. I did give a compliment to a hairdresser that I went to that I had never been to before. She moved from Japan 2 months ago and now lives in Melbourne. I said that her Ylang Ylang head massage that she gave me was really nice. She was so appreciative. She also placed my hair in the style I wanted and actually told me that it was the first time she has ever cut hair in this style – I said it looked good and she was happy. Not sure if she was polite, but she did say “really?” in which I responded “yes”.

It didn’t take much to be nice to someone and have them brighten up with a smile. I think we take for granted how our energy can impact others. Just small compliments can turn around someone else’s day. If we all took time to do this every day, it can definitely make a world of difference.

Now, all we got to do is spread this notion around so then everyone can be bright in their days. All we need to do is spread a little bit of love.

Day 213 - A Year to Clear - VIDEO - Validation

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Lesson 213: VIDEO - Validation

Today we are to watch this short film and note down how we are feeling. It’s a film about validation and how our words can impact others.

I really enjoyed watching the film because it reminded me how our energy can radiate out. When we say something positive to someone, it brightens up their day. Doesn’t it feel good when we can let someone know that they are great? It’s a good deed that we are doing that makes someone else feel good. If we can show that we are good in ourselves, this can spread our flow of energy out and people can feel off your positive vibes.

I really enjoyed that this man just wanted to see people smile and his day was made when other’s smiled for him. I liked the other side of the spectrum though – when he couldn’t get the lady to smile, it sent him into his own slump. To me, this reinforces the fact how our moods can impact others. Because he started feeling down, people didn’t go to him for validating comments anymore due to him being negative. This is a reflection in our own lives. I know I can feel this at work – when morale is low, we are all unmotivated and less engaged. If we maintain good positive notions, then this starts to reflect in others.

I think one of the key take away messages is that you have the power to influences people’s environments through positive reinforcement. If we can create a positive energy around us, then that spreads throughout your space. The same goes for being negative. We have direct influence to the world around us, so why not make it a positive space? Keep paying people compliments and uplift them with your words – it can make all the difference to someone else’s outlook.