Day 42 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 6 - Watching the Weather
/Photo by Mohammad Bagher Adib Behrooz on Unsplash
Lesson 42: Check In WEEK 6 - Watching the Weather
Sunday’s check in for the weather week has been interesting. What did I notice and what kind of sensations did I see shift or maybe lift?
I noticed managing my anxiety has been a lot better. This week’s lesson was a reminder to focus on my breath work, recognising that you don’t have to identify with it and it is just a passing cloud. I learned that I don’t have to let the emotions take over. We have the ability to observe and take the steps to deal with it. It’s a new ability to take the observer’s view, which is much of what this course has been teaching me, and it really allows you to grow and take control.
I’ve got my reminders to “Just Breathe” so I think my anxiety will be managed. It’s been raising itself more than normal. I haven’t had proper anxiety since 2016 but I feel my work environment has been causing this. Something that is currently out of my control and it’s a waiting game, to see how management handle the environment that’s been created. I am not stressed but more waiting on some kind of direction. Until then, I’ll manage what I can and focus on my outside of work activities.
It’s been good watching my weather patterns and something I am aware of to look at in the future. I think the more I practise being the observer, the more I can handle my situations with proper perspective.