Day 126 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 18 - Shining Light On Invisible Clutter

Photo by John Sekutowski on Unsplash

Lesson 126: Check In WEEK 18 - Shining Light On Invisible Clutter

Today is reflecting back on the week gone by. The topic was around invisible clutter and how the not so obvious physical and mental clutter has a way of impacting us and that around us.

I think the web we create really opened my eyes to how much clutter we tend to keep without realising. I think we get so caught up in the web and if we do nothing towards clearing it, it then leads to that ripple effect. If we are being dragged down by some cluttered thought, then we might display that in our physical lives and then that impacts those around us. We are the creators of our environment, so if we do more towards creating a space that we are truly happy with in both home and work, then our energy lifts and others will also see this.

I sometimes forget that by saying something negative, someone else can hold onto that view and implement that into their lives. I think I need to be more mindful of how my words and actions can impact others in this way. My clutter should not become someone else’s. Except, more times than not, we don’t actually recognise that we do it. The biggest take away from this exercise is to be more aware how my actions impact others.

Day 121 - A Year to Clear - Invisible Clutter

Photo by Johannes Roth on Unsplash

Photo by Johannes Roth on Unsplash

Lesson 121: Invisible Clutter

Remember Pigpen, that adorable Peanuts cartoon character who walks around with a permanent cloud of dust? To the degree that we are carting around a lifetime of limiting beliefs, emotional attachments, and all those aspects of ourselves that we suppress, resist and deny - also known as ‘shadow’ - we’re not all that different from that cute little guy. The bigger our shadow, the smoggier, denser, and dare I say, not-so-cute this invisible ‘cloud.’ -Your Spacious Self
— Stephanie Bennett Vogt

Today we are to think about something that has been shadowing us and that we could release right now. We don’t need that attachment to something that weighs us down so think about one simple thing to let go.

It’s come up in card readings that I need to be more open to myself. I’ve been struggling with trying to be “normal” around certain people and then being my witchy medium self around others. I don’t know why I think I need to have a mask on, so to speak, for one group of friends to another. I shouldn’t have to hide my true self – that being a witch and medium. I don’t know why or how I got it into my head that I should try and be “normal” for the sake of others. I just need to let that sort of thinking go, embrace the person I am and if people don’t like it, well maybe they aren’t truly supporting me as a friend.

So, I’m letting go of this limiting belief of myself. I am going to be my true self and not try to fit it in any way in order to suit others.

Day 4 - A Year to Clear - What is Clutter?

what is clutter.png

Lesson 4: What is Clutter?

When I think of clutter, I think of myself hoarding all these unnecessary items that I tend to not use or keep for some memory. I always think of physical clutter and what we create in our homes as being the clutter that plagues me. This lesson included a video that outlined that when the body is out of balance mentally such as bad thoughts, loss and tragedy, and fear, this becomes the invisible clutter. Both visible and invisible clutter stops us from becoming our best and true selves. The video went through why we get overwhelmed and how we can slowly, but surely, overcome this.

We live in such a fast paced environment, that it's no wonder we sometimes crash and burn and lose passion for things we love and become lost. We tend to get stressed and don't realise the impact on our lives and our self. When we do have a build of stress, it can make us overwhelmed which is caused by the fight or flight mode that goes off in our brain, which is a reaction to fearful thoughts, uncomfortable situations, attachment and when we're emotionally charged. The problem is, it's hard to switch off. We unconsciously can't stop it from cycling through over and over. This feeling then leads to procrastination and avoidance.

There is a way to break through overwhelm with 3 consistent steps Stephanie Bennett Vogt mentions:
1 - We need to slow down
2 - We need to focus on tasks that don't trigger a reaction in our brain
3 - We need to be consistent in our effort daily
Stephanie used an example of a messy desk with paper everywhere, rubbish piling up and everything unorganised. The most impulsive thing we tend to do is avoid it altogether or try to tackle in one go, but she advises to take a gentle approach to get over this problem. Her method is Reduce and Repeat. The way to reduce the area is to spend focus and time on the task, but then to have awareness to in repeating the task every day until it's complete. SO, if all you can do is move one paper clip per day, do that but repeatedly and consistently. It's all about small steps, one breath at a time with all the awareness you can put together, and you keep repeating this, until it feels good.

Don't let the overwhelm talk you out of it when you think you have so much to clear! Being consistent and aware is the key. Stephanie mentions when you take a slow approach, it creates new neural pathways in the brain that triggers good habits and makes you feel good. This will have a flow on effect onto other aspects of your life. You can do Repeat every day for 1 minute. Stephanie asks you to focus on one thing that causes you frustration or stress, close your eyes, note how it makes you feel, take deep breaths - to me it is like meditating on it. After a week, you might find you slow down and simplify so it may not cause you stress anymore. The exercise is to do this now and answer the following:

  • After doing the closed-eye exercise I noticed______
  • Surprising ways that clutter shows up in my life are______

    My outcomes:
  • After doing the closed-eyed exercise I noticed, I still have quite a few belongings that I want to sort as part of a recent declutter of my house.
  • Surprising ways that clutter shows up in my life are people buying me things I don't need or me rearranging my house and realising there is more and more items to get rid of.