Day 69 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Idea of Being Good...

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Lesson 69: The Idea of Being Good...

Today’s lesson is quite controversial but at the same time, it’s not. We tend to live with this notion that we need to be good, being bad is not good and therefore, if we aren’t good then we are bad. We live with negative things in this world with a lot positive also. We live where the Divine touches our lives but also the wicked can also. We can argue that we have bad thoughts but also good ones. There is always a natural flow of the two, and the lesson is about accepting your whole self without the attachment of always classifying yourself as good nor bad.

Today is about thinking about the idea of nice, healthy, good etc versus the idea of rebellion, not fitting in, bad etc. This all whilst asking if we think either is “true”.

This lesson is tough for me to talk about, in the sense that I get what it’s teaching, but I believe doing good deeds go a long way. I get the modality of having a yin and yang type of balance, completely understand that, but I believe in a type of karma of being good to others will allow a positive vibration, which naturally carries to others. I think yes, we have a bad side and I can accept that we’re not perfect in any way. We make mistakes, we get to lows we never thought we could, we aren’t always good decision makers etc. It’s in our make up to learn from failures and grow to overcome them.

I also believe that there are bad people out there whom purposely go out of their way to make other people’s lives miserable. Do I want to consider that I’m on the same level as those types of people? Not particularly, no. The lesson is to do away with thinking “good” is where you need to be. Just accept all the flows of both good and bad within you. Yep I can do that, but do I really want to be without the concept of good when not everyone is good?

As you can see I don’t necessarily agree with this lesson. I don’t think that we all are necessarily balanced in both good and bad, nor should we be. Sure, we go through one extreme to another but some people choose to reside in more good and some reside in more bad. Do I really want to give up the notion of being “good” when it’s placed against a “bad” person? I think we should always tip the scales to good.

Day 69 - A Year to Clear - Can You Receive?

Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

Lesson 69: Can You Receive?

Can you allow yourself to receive the fullness of your success?
— Oprah Winfrey

Today's lesson is to simply breathe in this quote from Oprah Winfrey. 

I mean can definitely visualise, meditate, set intentions and just believe in this concept. The way I decided to breathe this in was to close my eyes, speak out loud my successes and breathe in and out. I believe we can definitely celebrate small successes which may make up a larger picture to bigger successes. I think when we can appreciate even the smaller successes, it allows us to be more open to receive the fullness that Oprah mentions. What do you think?

Day 68 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The person who...

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Lesson 68: The person who...

Didn’t post this on Friday as I was celebrating my friend’s mum’s 70th birthday. Just got home bloated and wanted to crash. Just needed that for me.

So Friday’s lesson was all about taking some time to think about "The Person Who" has good distractions versus "The Person Who" bad distractions. Does a person who goes out and use playing a sport as a distraction (as an example), just as easily distracted as a person who uses drugs and alcohol? If we are just finding good and bad ways to distract, the idea is that we are not open to the light.

Friday was all about asking what if we didn’t do these “good” things for the day? What is your reaction? Do you find that your instant thought is to reject this idea or do you feel a relief?

So using my happy distraction of music – I think I would die without it. Now that’s extreme but I just don’t think I could live without it. That’s kind of my safe space which I suppose I’ve created. I guess the point of the lesson is that you don’t necessarily need it as it can close you off from yourself, the world, the situation. I know I get lost in music to stop thinking about something that’s bothered me in some way. If I just take a moment, go through my feelings and my emotions towards any situation, I can actually face it and overcome it – no matter how minor or major it is.

This lesson really got me thinking about good and bad distractions on such a wider level, it’s amazing how “awake” I’m becoming. We don't have to continue to distract ourselves if we just accept it with some good light, deal with it and then release.

Day 68 - A Year to Clear - Get Out of Your Way

Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash

Lesson 68: Get Out of Your Way

I would have posted this on Friday but I had no time. Celebrated my friend’s mums 70th birthday which I thought was more important. I did think about the lesson though. Friday’s lesson was all about taking on the concept that we get in our own way when it comes to clearing. It’s realising that anything we can’t release is actually us holding onto that memory, habit, thought etc, which is therefore how we get stuck, and how we get in our own way. It was actually an “oh yeah!” moment for me. Like yeah, I really hold onto shit I probably shouldn’t because it just doesn’t really serve me anymore.

Friday’s lesson is all about asking ourselves what is getting in the way and what that answer is. Really breathing into the process.

When I thought about what I do to get in my own way, it’s really just negative thoughts. Simple thoughts like “I can’t do this” or “I don’t like my life”, just really get in the way. And I’ve said this before that anyone can be the limiting factor in their life, but also have the power to change their lives. I am working on dispelling those thoughts because I honestly don’t know where they come from sometimes. I don’t think it’s as bad as I’ve always remembered, and I am making tracks, so that is a positive.

Apart from this, the other thing that holds me back is remembering the feelings and emotions I had through old memories. I seem to go back there if that makes sense. I start to feel bad about things in the past in which I need to leave behind in the past. Mostly I think about how shit I felt through my past lovers and abortion. These memories really don’t serve me a purpose because it’s time to move forward. They happened and I can’t change anything. Definitely working progress that I am aware of.

Day 67 - A Year to Clear - Breathe Into Calm

Lesson 67: Breathe Into Calm

It’s not always a ringing phone that sends you into fight-or-flight. Maybe it’s the energy at work, or you walk into a room and find a bunch of clutter, or maybe confronting a friend with something difficult you need to speak to them about. Whatever it is, today’s lesson is about breathing into it and creating enough calm to be able to take on the issue. By taking a deep breath in, the next step will be come to you.

I tend to do this when I am losing focus at work. I close my eyes, take in a few deep breaths, be aware that the sun coming through the window is warm and just refocus on the task at hand. It’s very useful when I’m like “oh shit, I just forgot what I was just doing”. I also use this method when I am feeling a bit anxious. Just get those breaths in, bring awareness, and bring some warmth. Then just feel a relaxing calmness fill your body and go back to what you were doing. Sometimes I really feel like it’s a power lift or energy boost if you will. You can power on even if you feel tired and then just keep going. It’s amazing!

Keep those breaths up!