Day 120 - A Year to Clear - Filters

Lesson 120: Filters

We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.
— Anaïs Nin

New week equals a new theme and we have “Shining Light On Invisible Clutter." Based on the quote, I feel like this may be the build-up of our thoughts based on our own perceptions. We usually are raised and conditioned on a certain way of thinking based on culture, where you live, religion, your teachers, your parents…  it goes on and on. You definitely do not think the same way as me but we might share similar views on certain topics. Usually the world we create is based on how we are as people. For example, I used to be very materialistic and need to have the latest dress or lipstick as soon as it got released because I had this view that it would make me happy. I had mountains of clothes, many of which I didn’t wear, shoes that filled up closets, make up spilling out of the dressing table. Now, I’m a spiritual being who believes in protecting the environment and thinking of ways I can reduce my environmental impact. I want the minimalist life and use out all my existing clothes until they can’t be worn any longer. I was awakened and there is so much we do on this Earth that does damage that we can probably avoid.

I’m interested to see what this week brings and if my fair assessment of the lesson and quote prove right.

Day 119 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Law of Levity

Photo by Sam Manns on Unsplash 

Photo by Sam Manns on Unsplash


Lesson 119: The Law of Levity...

The law of levity always trumps the law of gravity. Vibration always rises its highest level. This is why saints, the holy ones, the ascended, always have the ability to raise the vibration of those who are around them.
— Sara Wiseman

Today we are to think about a person who raises our vibration and those we have trouble maintaining high vibration with. I think we all instantly know of people that came to mind.

I personally don’t hang out with people that I don’t hold a good vibration with. I consider my time precious these days, so why would I want to be around people that aren’t good people or people I don’t like? I like to surround myself with honest people and those that make me happy. That’s not being unreasonable. I dislike being placed into situations where people know I prefer not to be around someone, and then invite me to said same event. I have no interest in being surrounded by others that bring me down or aren’t good people. That is toxic and I choose to not partake in it. That’s not to say my friends can’t hang out with those people, just don’t invite me. Simple.

I have actively made my life free of other people trying to bring my vibe down. I give people chances and when they fuck that up, then they aren’t a part of my life anymore. I don’t like other people ruining what I’m building either. I choose the people I want to vibe with and then we are all connecting on a higher level. I think the people I surround myself with now are who I’m meant to be around. I can usually sense when someone is no good or someone I know I won’t get along with. My gut instincts haven’t been wrong so far and I trust that.

The people you surround yourself with should only ever want the best for you. Anyone that chooses to bring you down, are simply not worth it. Let those people go as they will drain you to no end. People making snide remarks and want to kill your hopes are dreams, and you will know who they are, need to vacate your life. Sometimes it’s hard and confronting, sometimes you feel guilty, sometimes you think you have an obligation, but you once you recognise that they don’t have your best interests, then you will feel so much better for letting them go.

Day 119 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 17 - Releasing With Water

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Lesson 119: Check In WEEK 17 - Releasing With Water

This week was definitely an interesting week. I didn’t think much of my hands until the exercises of this week. Just being mindful made me admire my hands more and then appreciate my body more. Just the simple actions of taking time to wash my hands, made me more mindful and present in the moment. I tend to imagine negativity washing over and me going down the drain to wash away – I really appreciate that visualisation.

I think if people can practise and revert to letting go with practise of water washing it away, it can do much good. Taking time to wash your hands really made me honour them and it’s a small step towards more awareness to yourself and how you can relax and breathe through it. Was an interesting exercise and I do really like what people can achieve with it.

Day 118 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Law of Gravity

Photo by Andrea Reiman on Unsplash

Lesson 118: The Law of Gravity...

The law of gravity affects the body of human on earth. The law of levity rules the Divine nature of human on earth. Eventually, over time, everything rises: emotion, vibration, essence.
— Sara Wiseman

Thinking about the quote, we all have the ability to grow over time. This usually involves some inner work, awareness, dealing with our hard truths and opening ourselves. The notion today is that we all can become Divine. How would this impact your life or how you think of yourself, if you understood that we can continually expand to become this?

I believe that the journey I am on, is essentially to become this. I have so much to learn for sure, and in no way claim that I’m close to being Divine. There is so much work I have to do internally and then I want to spread that out to others. Not only this, but I want to gain the wisdom I need to be able to awaken others. I know I am raising my own vibration and frequency. I can say that I am in no way the same person I was last year. I have been awakened and I cannot waste the spiritual path that I’m on. I am still learning and growing. I know that what I’m doing is my journey and it’ll go at whatever pace it’s meant to. I have come to accept that each person’s journey is their own, and I will be given what I need by the Universe when I need to know.

My life is great. I am grateful for what I have and recognise that I’m in a better position than others. I have good support, a roof over my head, money to buy myself food… which is a lot more than what others receive. I value myself a lot more than I ever have. I believe this spiritual path has really opened me to more acceptance. I have higher regard for myself and that wasn’t always something I did for myself. It’s funny seeing this now, when I never used to. I say it with such confidence because I’m a much brighter person that the person I used to be. It’s amazing what spirituality can do for you. It’s the light that leads the way in your life and it gives you a sense of knowing and purpose. My hope is to truly spread this one day. I write these blog posts because it’s a start of something bigger that I want to do. I want to expand so that others can too.

Day 118 - A Year to Clear - One Minute Washing Meditation

Photo by Austin Ban on Unsplash

Photo by Austin Ban on Unsplash

Lesson 118: One Minute Washing Meditation

Today is about doing a meditation whilst washing your hands. I don’t think I did it the way it was intended but oh well!

You are to turn the tap on and get a temperature you feel good with, fill a sink and breathe in “Ease” as you watch it rise. From there place your hands into the water and start washing them for one minute and breathe as per normal. Once this is done, empty the sink and breathe out the word release as the water goes down the drain.

I personally did not want to do this for real because I didn’t want to waste water. In Australia, we’re taught not to waste it, so I didn’t see this essential for me to do, but please feel free to action this as intended. I visualised all the steps instead. I imagined the temperature, my hands being dipped in and really taking the care to wash them. What I realised is that this is very soothing. It’s a nice way to relax and calm yourself, but also your mind. It’s uncomplicated and simple. I visualise the worries of the day going down into the drain and washing away. I feel like this is a practise anyone can adopt and apply to thoughts, but also assist on releasing all the stuck energy, whether mental or physical.

Try it and see how you feel.