Day 190 - A Year to Clear - Mess Up

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

Photo by chuttersnap on Unsplash

Lesson 190: Mess Up

The most powerful teaching moments are the ones where you screw up.
— Brene Brown

New week equals a new theme and we have “Living Imperfectly.”

It seems that we will be looking at our mistakes and how we live with them but also admit to them. If someone makes a mistake, do you let it be or do you let it be known? If you make a mistake, do you punish yourself for it or do you grow? I like to think mistakes are a good way of learning and growing. I don’t think that life is all about having a smooth path. There are always going to be bumps in the road and when applied in a clearing path, it’s detaching from that feeling that weighs you down from a mistake. We all have the ability to clear those feelings if we choose.

Day 189 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - The Group Energy in Electronica Leads to...

Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash

Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash

Lesson 189: The Group Energy in Electronica Leads to...

When we use our online tools such as social media, there are times when we tap into a group energy because those people’s beliefs align with yours, or you go against the group thought and risk the opposing group view. In most part, you will most likely go with group thought as you would have most likely aligned yourself to groups and pages that you already like.  Today we are to think about how group thought impacts the way you are or if you more inclined to be your true self.

When it comes to certain interests of mine, I find that I am with the group thought in terms of our mentality. I find that my Facebook groups are exactly what I seek out and the general feeling of the group’s thought is quite similar to my own. Sure, we can have discussions that opens up different views but we have more common thought than not. I mean, why would you seek out groups or pages that didn’t really resonate with you?

I find that I am my true self most of the time. Those moments when I have opposing views are on news stories, things that pop up in my feed that may hurt others and when people don’t understand different aspects of spirituality. I do find that I like reading other people’s comments to gain some perspective of opinions. I tend to disagree with those people who try and force their beliefs onto others. Everyone has a opinion but it doesn’t mean you should try to convince someone to follow your view.

So, I guess I can be both – follow group thought whilst being myself and also not following group thought whilst still being myself. Where do you fit in?

Day 189 - A Year to Clear - Check In WEEK 27 - En-Couraging

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

Lesson 189: Check In WEEK 27 - En-Couraging

This is the art of courage: to see things as they are and still believe that the victory lies not with those who avoid the bad, but those who taste, in living awareness, every drop of the good.
— Victoria Lincoln

The week has been trying to show that by revealing your inner truth and showing some vulnerability, allows us to understand that it goes hand in hand with courage. If you can accept the truth about yourself, then it goes a long way to help clearing what holds you back in life. Facing some inner truth is not always easy and can be challenging. I think the key to facing them is acceptance. No one is perfect and I think that’s important to remember in this journey. It takes a shit load of courage to want to face up to them and admit things to yourself when you didn’t want to before. I think the biggest eye opener was doing the “why I matter” day. We all matter and it was about really finding your “self”. I believe we all have a purpose whether we choose to believe it or not. I would love if everyone believed that.
Today’s exercise is to complete the following statements and repeat, when necessary:

  • Without apology and hesitation I would like to declare______
  • I know the truth when I hear it because______
  • Telling myself that "I matter" makes me feel______ [psst, notice any weather that arises as you contemplate this statement and breathe into that]


·         Without apology and hesitation I would like to declare that I am a witch and spiritual being that can do intuitive readings who is a little bit weird.

  • I know the truth when I hear it because of the feeling and knowing I get from the truth.
  • Telling myself that "I matter" makes me feel like I have purpose.

Day 188 - A Year of Spiritual Awakening - Electronica is the Newest Addiction...

Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash

Lesson 188: Electronica is the Newest Addiction...

Today we are to think about how much we use our electronic devices, internet and social media. Does it make your life better? How do you feel when you spend days, weeks or months away from it?

I personally feel like being on my iPhone has sometimes taken over my life - like I couldn’t live without if I didn’t know what was happening on Facebook. It got so bad, that I wasn’t doing anything productive. I think that’s the trap with having easy access to such platforms – it is too convenient to be on your phone all the time. I even use it in bed when I should be going to sleep. It’s quite terrible.

I have been trying to make more a conscious effort to do something else but be on my phone all the time. I will try to do some other activity that doesn’t have me sitting on my phone all the time. I sometimes just throw my phone aside so I can do anything else.
I think I’d be okay to be away from social media if I had to go without it for a month but I find part of what I do, like blogging, requires me to be on my electronic devices. I find it necessary to be creative in some of the activities I do, but also establishes my connections as well. I do feel like I could go without it if I didn’t have these daily activities in my writing that I want to achieve.

To assess my personal situation, I think it can make my life both better and worse. Worse for when I spend time on it doing nothing and better for when I connect with people on my journey. If I went away on a holiday, I think I could place my phone aside and the whole time and just enjoy life. I think it’s okay to switch off.

Day 188 - A Year to Clear - Why You Matter

Photo by Ruthie Martin on Unsplash

Photo by Ruthie Martin on Unsplash

Lesson 188: Why You Matter

Today is about posing a question or statement to yourself that reveals the truth and if you have trouble with that thinking about the phrase “why I matter”. What does this reveal from your inner self and why you exist?

If I pose the question to myself as to why I matter, I think it’s because I was placed here for a reason. I think I matter to the people in my life but also those I meet along the way. I was put here to accomplish something that is much grander in scale than I could fathom and as I learn along the way, it’s this knowledge that I will spread. I exist to help others and it’s a progress I am making in my life every day. As I learn different skills in my spiritual path, I will one day share my wisdom as I grow. This is why I think I exist and matter. That’s what I truly believe comes from my heart.