Energy Oracle Cards - Seventh Chakra, Archangel Uriel


Seventh Chakra, Archangel Uriel

My Interpretation of the Card


This card indicates a higher connection to the divine. You are open to connection beyond that of just physical presence. You are open to receive messages that the divine has to offer you and you are open to the universe and all it’s possibilities. You will gain further insight and knowledge to the world and that of the next. Archangel Uriel is here to enhance your experience and guide you as you start to embrace what it has to offer you. You will connect to your highest consciousness and closer to your true self.


In reverse, this card indicates your blockage through your crown chakra. You do not seem ready to being open to receiving what the divine has to offer you. Maybe it’s a trust issue and you don’t feel you deserve what the universe has to offer. Work with Uriel to open yourself up slowly to the connection of your highest consciousness. There are lessons to be learned as part of your journey and Uriel will prepare you to be ready for it.


Guidebook Meaning - Summary

 Spirit Connections, Intuition, and Inspiration


Uriel also called the Fire of God wears a crystal crown radiating a connection to the Divine. This card reveals an open and flow of information and inspiration from the spirit world. This can indicate a great time of intuition for you and gain insight from a higher power. You can call upon those in spirit to assist you in anything that you require help with in order to gain the answers you seek. The connection is open more now than ever in order for you to connect.


This card in reverse indicates a blockage to your intuition and that of the spirit world. You may hold fear to opening yourself to this side of your life and may impose self-doubt on your abilities. It’s time to awaken and be open to the power of the spirit realm. Call upon Uriel for assistance in clearing this space to open a pathway for greater connection. Imagine violet or white light flowing through your crown chakra. Once you can accept this clearing, then feel the power you can bring about from spirit entering your life.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

So I interpreted the previous card very much like this one. I know the crown chakra is very much a connection to higher consciousness and the Divine so that's where I was taking it in my interpretation. Thought I did well on this one.


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