Energy Oracle Cards - Sixth Chakra, Archangel Metatron


Sixth Chakra, Archangel Metatron

My Interpretation of the Card


This card shows your third eye really opening up to the flow of energy. Your intuition and spiritual connection has really been established. You have the ability to connect with others and extend your psychic ability. You have an increased sense of knowing and really use your intuition to influence your decisions. Archangel Metatron is here to open the flow of energy to your third eye centre and really expand your growing skills. You are more connected to spirit than you have ever been.


This card in reverse shows a blockage to your sixth chakra. You may be experiencing some trust when it comes to your intuition and rather act on instinct, have been ignoring this side of you. Maybe there is some self-doubt that is causing you not to trust yourself. This also indicates a cutting off from those in spirit. Archangel Metatron is here to fill your body and third eye with lots of energising white light. You may not have the insights to act upon but he’s here to help clear the blockage so you can establish that intuitive ability you have.


Guidebook Meaning - Summary

 Clarity of Thought, Personal Vision


This card indicates clearer thought and some new perceptions developing. This card can indicate greater insight into what’s going on in your life and focus on your personal vision. You will have much clarity and create a clear picture for your future, This can be supported by daily thoughts that will lead to a vibrant life.


This card in reverse indicates possible confusion or unclear thinking. Your mind may have been in mental chaos and you may have lacked some personal direction. You may need to widen your perspective and start making intentions towards the life you want to lead. You need to break out of your toxic thoughts of self-doubt, worry and criticism. In order to be healthier, you need to set clear positive intentions and know you have the power to make change. Bring in Metatron to guide you to clearer thoughts and give you a sense of direction. Make this a priority in your life.

**Please note, I did not want to copy Sandra Anne Taylor's meaning literally to my blog as that's copyrighted information so I supplied a summary instead. 

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

So I took a very much different approach. When we open our third eye in mediumship, it's about vision and intuition. I didn't think about what this card could mean in relation to thought and clarity around those. I was thinking this was more about psychic connection. Still relevant but I guess I would have to think about what a "normal" person would need that isn't one to use intuition nor practise any form of psychic ability.


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