Angels, Gods & Goddesses - Goddess of Beauty

Goddess of Beauty

My Interpretation of the Card

Know that you are a beautiful being, despite what flaws you choose to think you have. You need to understand that no one is perfect and there is no perfect way to be and look. You are perfect just the way you are. You don’t need to change anything about you to suit another person. Know that you hold so much beauty within and that also displays externally. Harness the power within so that this continues to strive in your everyday physical life. Don’t let the words of others bring you down. Ask the Universe for assistance if you don’t believe your own beauty so that you can be shown this light.

Goddess of Beauty

Guidebook Meaning - Summary

You are a wondrously beautiful being of light yet you cannot see it because you are comparing yourself to others instead of looking honestly and lovingly at yourself. Meditate on this image and allow your light and natural beauty to shine through. You are beautiful just the way you are. There is nothing to change or fix; just love and accept yourself as you are. as you honour the beautiful person that you are, others will feel the light and warmth radiating from you. As a result, you will attract wonderful and generous people into your life that will love and appreciate your for all that you truly are. Just be yourself, for this is where you beauty lies.

Conclusion Between my Interpretation & Guidebook

Think this was one of those easier cards to try and interpret. I have had this card come up in one of my own readings and remembered what it was about.

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